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Joint Master's Program Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the JMP (Joint Master's Program)?

A. Master's programs are offered jointly between 海角社区 and The University of Manitoba. Students take courses at either university and are awarded degrees upon satisfactory completion.

Q. What programs are offered through JMP?

A. Master's degrees in History, Religion, Peace and Conflict Studies and Public Administration. Admission and program requirements vary in each program. Contact the Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee for specific information on the individual programs.

Q. How do I apply for admission to a Joint Master's Program?

A. The application for admission form of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba is used for all JMP programs. Submit the application, with attachments as outlined on the form, and the fee to:

The Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba
Room 500, University Centre
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

Q. How and when do I register for my program?

A. The registration form of the Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Manitoba is used for all JMP programs. The form must be completed and signed by the Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee and returned by mail or in person to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (UM).

Registration usually commences after the middle of July and goes until the first week of September. Late registration is possible with an extra fee.

Q. What courses do I register for?

A. Your program of study is approved in consultation with your Advisor or the Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee. All courses to be taken within a particular session are to be included on the registration form. The comprehensive examination or thesis numbers must be included in the last year of registration (the year of intended graduation).

Q. How do I register for University of Winnipeg courses?

A. All courses must be registered for on the one and only form used. A list of course numbers is available from the department or the Faculty of Graduate Studies office. 海角社区 courses are given 900-level University of Manitoba numbers as their 4-digit numbers cannot be accommodated on the UM records system. Courses which are in departments not offering joint programs must also be given UM numbers. Contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies for numbers if they have not yet been assigned UM numbers.

Q. Who approves and signs the registration form?

A. The Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee or designate signs and approves the registration form. The form must also be signed by a staff member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Q. Where do I pay my fees?

A. All fees are paid at The University of Manitoba.

Q. Who do I contact regarding my fee assessment?

A. The Student Records Office at The University of Manitoba - 474-9420.

Q. Where can I find information on financial assistance?

A. All awards are on a database on the University of Manitoba website. You can also contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Q. Can I take courses at another university and get credit for them toward my degree here?

A. Yes, it is possible with the approval of the Joint Discipline Committee. A Letter of Permission form may be obtained from the Student Records Office at UM and must be completed prior to attending the courses.

Q. What is the Western Deans' Agreement?

A. The Deans of the western universities have an exchange program which allows students to take courses at another western university for credit toward their degree at their home university. Approval must be received prior to taking the courses. Course fees are not charged at the host university - students must be registered and in good standing at their home university in order to take courses under this agreement. Forms are available from the departments or from the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Q. Is there a second language reading requirement?

A. Both History and Religion require students to pass a test demonstrating reading knowledge of a second language.

Q. How do I drop or add a course?

A. Complete the registration revision form at the Faculty of Graduate Studies office and have it approved by the Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee or designate and the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Q. What is a passing grade?

A. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 with no grade below a C+ must be maintained for continuance in the Master's program. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Q. What if I fail a course?

A. Failures are dealt with annually in May. Departments are contacted and requested to submit recommendations to deal with failed grades. The options are: to repeat the course, take an equivalent substitute course and where available, write a supplemental. In the absence of a departmental recommendation in support of the student, the student would be required to withdraw.

Q. What happens to my GPA when I repeat a course and get a higher grade?

A. Although the failed grade will never be removed, the credit hours for the course are removed from the GPA. The grade of the repeated or replaced course will appear in the GPA.

Q. How do I appeal a grade?

A. The first level of appeal is to complete the grade appeal form available from the Student Records Office at The University of Manitoba. This form is used if the course is taken at UW or UM. If the result of this appeal is not satisfactory, the student has the right to appeal to the Joint Senate Committee. The appeal form is available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Q. How do I defer an examination?

A. Examinations can be deferred for medical or compassionate reasons. Students should go to the Faculty of Graduate Studies to speak to an advisor about the deferral at which time a deferral request will be completed and sent to the department offering the course for approval and instructions on where and when the course will be completed.

Q. Can I get extra time to complete course requirements?

A. If for some reason, yours or the instructor's, you need more time to complete course requirements, ask your instructor for an incomplete or a CO (Continuing). An incomplete is assigned with a grade and must be completed by:

April 1 for December finals
August 1 for April finals
December 1 for May/August finals

A CO (Continuing) can be requested for 600+ level courses for up to one year with the approval of the instructor.

Q. Do I have to do a thesis or can I do the degree by course work?

A. All programs in the JMP offer the option of doing a thesis or a course master's degree. Consult the university calendars or the individual departments for more information.

Q. Can I take a leave of absence?

A. Students are permitted to request a leave of absence from their program for medical/compassionate, parental and for other reasons with the approval of their department. Medical, compassionate and parental leaves extend the maximum time in the program for the period of the leave and students are not required to register for the period.
A regular leave is a request for reasons which are not exceptional, but for reasons such as work or travel - the student must register, pay fees and there is no extension of time involved. The application for a leave of absence is available in the department or from the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Q. How long do I have to complete my degree requirements?

A. Five years for Religion and History, and six years for Public Administration.

Q. Can I get an extension of time to complete my degree?

A. Yes, you may request an extension of time and with the support of your department, an extension can be granted for up to two years. The form is available in your department or the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Q. Do courses ever lapse or get outdated?

A. Yes, courses cannot be used for credit toward the degree if they have been taken eight years prior to the date of graduation.

Q. How do I change my thesis advisor?

A. Contact the Chair of the Joint Discipline Committee and seek advice on changing your advisor. All those involved should be in agreement with the change.

Q. I need to talk to someone about my program, my problems, my advisor, or any matter which cannot be dealt with at the advisor/department level - who can I turn to in order to discuss confidential matters?

A. If there are any problems which cannot be resolved with the Chair, students can speak with an advisor at the Faculty of Graduate Studies office, or in extreme cases of incompatibility, consult with the Office of Student Advocacy.

Q. Which university confers the degree?

A. For History and Public Administration, a joint degree is awarded and the student has the choice of attending convocation at either university. For Religion, the student must indicate from which university the degree will be awarded and convocation will be from that university.

Q. Do JMP students have access to the UW fitness facilities?

A. JMP students do not qualify for the UW Student Membership at the Bill Wedlake Fitness Centre as they do not pay 海角社区's athetic levy fee. However, JMP students qualify for the athletic associate rate. Visit the Fitness Centre's Memberships and Services page for current rates.

Contacts - Joint Master's Programs

Grace, Joan
Chair, JMP in Public Administration

Thiessen, Janis

Chair, JMP in History

Dickson, Rory

Associate Chair, JMP in Religion

Sibanda, Eliakim

Associate Chair, JMP in Peace and Conflict Studies

Contacts - Administration

Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba

Secretary, Joint Senate Committee
University of Winnipeg

University of Manitoba

For information admission, registration, thesis deadlines, and deadlines please contact:

Student Program Assistant, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba