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Shauna MacKinnon

Shauna MacKinnon Title: Professor and Chair
Phone: 204.988.7197
Office: Room 129, 541 Selkirk Avenue
Building: Merchants Corner
Email: st.mackinnon@uwinnipeg.ca


Dr. MacKinnon is Professor and Chair of the Department of Urban and Inner-City studies. She has conducted research on social and economic issues for over 20 years with a focus on public policy, poverty and inequality. Dr. MacKinnon is most interested in research that focuses on issues identified by individuals living in poverty and those working closely with them. Dr. MacKinnon subscribes to a social justice, community-based participatory research approach to research, actively engaging with community partners beyond research, to mobilize knowledge and use research as a tool to advocate for progressive change.

Dr. MacKinnon has been involved as a co-investigator and research stream lead with the Manitoba Research Alliance (MRA) since 2003. In 2020, the MRA was awarded a 7-year, $2.5 million Social Science Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant for the community driven “Solutions to Poverty: Challenges and Possibilities” project. In September 2020, after the sudden death of long-time MRA Principal Investigator, friend and colleague, Dr. John Loxley, Dr. MacKinnon was appointed by her peers to succeed Dr. Loxley as the new MRA Principal Investigator.


Dr. MacKinnon is proud to be the Chair of the Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies, situated in Merchants Corner in the heart of Winnipeg’s North End. She believes strongly in place-based pedagogical approach that privileges the voices and experiences of those who have been excluded from mainstream education. Dr. MacKinnon believes that bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to learn together in the small, supportive space in Winnipeg’s North End is an important step in the truth and reconciliation process. She maintains a website focused on teaching at Merchants Corner at


Dr. MacKinnon’s recent course offerings include: Introduction to Urban and Inner-City Studies (UIC-1001); Urban Poverty and Policy (UIC-2220; Community Organizing (UIC-3210); Special Issues: Universal Basic Income (UIC-3100).


Recent Publications:




MacKinnon, Shauna (Editor). 2018.  Practising Community-Based Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Mobilization.  Vancouver. UBC Press-Purlich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2015. Decolonizing Employment: Aboriginal Inclusion in the Labour Market. Winnipeg: UM Press. (This publication was shortlisted for the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction in 2016.)


Fernandez, Lynne, Shauna Mackinnon and Jim Silver, eds. 2015. Social Determinants of Health in Manitoba. Second edition. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba. Publication date September 2015.


Chapters in books:

Fiola, Chantal and Shauna MacKinnon. In press.  “Urban and Inner-City Studies: Decolonizing Ourselves and the University of Winnipeg”. In Decolonizing and Indgenizing Education in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Scholars.


Bernas, Kirsten. and Shauna MacKinnon. 2015. “Poverty in Manitoba.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver. eds. The Social Determinants of Health in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.


Bernas Kirsten and Shauna MacKinnon. 2015. “Policy Advocacy and the Social Determinants of Health.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon, and Jim Silver, eds. The Social Determinants of Health in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.


Brownlee, Clark and Shauna MacKinnon. 2018.  “The Right to Housing Coalition Story.”  In Shauna MacKinnon, ed. Practising Community-Based Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Mobilization. Vancouver: UBC Press-Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2018.  “Integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Community-Based Evaluation”.  In Caroline Andrew, Fran Klodawsky, and Jane Siltanen, eds. Seeking Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Municipalities. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.


MacKinnon, Shauna and Jim Silver. 2018. “Social Inclusion Through Intergenerational Neighbourhood Based Learning”. In Caroline Andrew, Fran Klodawsky, and Jane Siltanen. eds. Seeking Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Municipalities. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2018. “The State of the Inner-City Report: 10 years of CBPR”. In Shauna MacKinnon, ed. Practicing Community Based Participatory Research::Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Vancouer: UBC Press- Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna with Josie Hill and Diane Roussin. 2018. “Together We Have CLOUT: It Begins With Trust. In Shauna MacKinnon, ed. Practicing Community Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Vancouer: UBC Press- Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna, Janet Nowatzki and Darlene Klyne. 2018. “Participatory Evaluation: The CEDA Pathways to Education story.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed.  Practicing Community Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Vancouer: UBC Press- Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna, Claire Friesen and Carole O’Brien. 2018. “Breaking Barriers-Building Bridges:  Challenging Racial, Spatial and Generational Divides in the City.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed. Practicing Community Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Vancouer: UBC Press- Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2018. “Community Based Participatory Research: Promise, Possibility and Policy Change.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed. Practicing Community Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Vancouer: UBC Press- Purich Books.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2014. “Austerity and Aboriginal Training Policy”. In Donna Baines, and Stephen McBride, eds. Orchestrating Austerity in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood Press.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2013. “Healing the Spirit First: Aboriginal Second Chance learners in Three Inner City Programs.”  In Jim. Silver, ed. Moving Froward Giving Back: Transformative Aboriginal Education. Winnipeg: Fernwood Press.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2010. “Poverty in Manitoba.” In The Social Determinants of Health in Manitoba.  In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver, eds. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Mb.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2010. “Housing: A Major Problem in Manitoba.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver, eds. The social determinants of health in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Mb.


MacKinnon, Shauna and Lynne Fernandez.  2010. “Unemployment and Precarious Employment as Social Determinants of Health.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver, eds. The Social Determinants of Health in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Mb.


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2000. “Workfare in Manitoba.” In Jim Silver, ed. Solutions that Work:  Fighting Poverty in Winnipeg. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Fernwood.


Journal Articles:


MacKinnon, S.  (2019) Critical place-based pedagogy in an inner-city university department: truth, reconciliation and neoliberal austerity, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, DOI:


MacKinnon, S. (2019). Doing Research Differently: Learning from Indigenous Women. Vol 7 (1)  Universitas Forum. Available at http://www.universitasforum.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/707/798


MacKinnon Shauna and Jim Silver. 2015. “Tackling Poverty Through Holistic, Interconnected, Neighborhood Based Intergenerational Learning:  The Case of Winnipeg’s Selkirk Avenue”. Universitas Forum: International Journal on Human Development and International Cooperation. Special Issue on Inclusive Urban Development Practice. Available at 


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2014. “Making the Case for an Aboriginal Labour Market Intermediary: A community-based solution to improve labour market outcomes for Aboriginal people in Manitoba.” Manitoba Law Journal:  Underneath the Golden Boy, Vol. 37 (2).

MacKinnon, Shauna. 2014. “Developing a Community Based Model to Improve Labour Market Outcomes for Aboriginal People in Winnipeg”. Universitas Forum: International Journal on Human Development Practice. Special Issue on Social Protection. December 2014.

MacKinnon, Shauna 2013. “Politics of Poverty in Canada.” In Social Alternatives: 32(1).


MacKinnon, Shauna and Sara Stephens, S. 2010. “Is Participation Having an Impact? Measuring Progress in Winnipeg’s Inner City Through the Voices of Community-Based Program Participants.” Journal of Social Work :10(3).


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2009. “Building Capacity Through Participatory Action Research: The

State of the Inner-City Report Project.” Community Development Journal: 46(2).


MacKinnon, Shauna. 2009. “Social Work Intellectuals in the Twenty-First Century: Critical Social Theory, Critical Social Work and Public Engagement.” Social Work Education: 28(5).