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Weather StationThe study of Geography is concerned with the Earth's surface in two ways - as the science of interaction between natural elements of the environment, such as weather, plants, soils and landforms; and secondly, as the science of the distribution and activities of the Earth's population in response to various social and environmental factors. Systematic studies in Geography examine the locations, distributions, arrangement, and association of a group of interrelated features. In contrast, regional studies examine the totality of geographic phenomena in a particular area. No matter what approach is taken, there are certain skills and techniques that are of particular geographic relevance.

As a reflection of the diversity that exists within the study of Geography and the special skills required, the Department offers courses within three fields of study - Cultural Geography, Physical Geography and Geomatics. You may attain either the General or Four-year Bachelor's degree in either Arts or Science, as well as the B.A. or B.Sc.Honours degree.

ChurchillGeography offers a considerable variety of career opportunities. High schools require a continuing supply of Geography teachers. Various federal and provincial agencies dealing with conservation, town planning, recreation, landscape architecture and the utilization of Canada's resource also provide opportunities, especially to those with Honours or graduate work in Geography. Undergraduate training in the subject is often required for certain business careers, especially in surveying, market assessment, and location and general commercial development.

Why study Geography?

Cooks CreekAnyone with a natural curiosity about the world around them will find Geography an attractive Major. Those who choose to specialize in one or another of the substreams within the discipline will develop knowledge and skills that are applicable to a number of careers or provide a good basis for entry into more advanced training for a number of professions.

Not everyone who studies Geography does so with a career in mind, however. Students in other disciplines frequently take Geography because it provides new insights into their own discipline. Liberal Arts students with a general major in Geography will acquire a better understanding of many local, national and global issues and an appreciation of the physical and human landscapes they will encounter when they leave university.

Why study Geography at the University of Winnipeg?

海角社区 places great emphasis on its teaching role. Students who elect to major in Geography at the University of Winnipeg will find readily accessible faculty and greater personal attention than they might receive at larger institutions oriented more toward graduate students.

Obsidian FlowThe Geography Department at the University of Winnipeg is a relatively large one, with faculty members who are trained in virtually all of the major fields of study. Thus our course offering is large enough to offer both broad selection and the opportunity to develop specialization in an area of particular interest. The laboratory facilities are among the best in Canada. In addition to geomorphology, geology and soils labs, the Department has excellent facilities for the study of Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems through 3 computers labs. All of these facilities are routinely used by undergraduate students from second year onward. Finally the Department houses an excellent Map Library.