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Recent Publications

(photo credits: Jean-Pierre Deforges)


Beumer, L. T., Schmidt, N. M., Pohle, J., Signer, J., Chimienti, M., Desforges, J.-P., Hansen, L. H.,    Højlund Pedersen, S., Rudd, D. A., Stelvig, M., & van Beest, F. M. (2023). Accounting for behaviour in fine-scale habitat selection: A case study highlighting methodological intricacies. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(10), 1937-1953.


Haak, M. R., & Indraratne, S. P. (2023). Soil amendments for vanadium remediation: a review of remediation of vanadium in soil through chemical stabilization and bioremediation. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45(7), 4107-4125.


Henault, J., & Westwood, R. (2023). Adult activities of endangered Oarisma poweshiek butterflies are associated with a soil moisture gradient in tall grass prairie in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Insect Conservation, 27(5), 825-839.


Indraratne, S. P., Attanayake, C. P., Kumaragamage, D., Amarawansha, G., Goltz, D. M., & Applin, D. M. (2023). Mobility of arsenic and vanadium in waterlogged calcareous soils due to addition of zeolite and manganese oxide amendments. Journal of Environmental Quality, 52(2), 380-392.


Lasisi, A., Kumaragamage, D., Casson, N., Amarakoon, I., Indraratne, S., Wilson, H., & Goltz, D. (2023). Evaluating fall application of soil amendments to mitigate phosphorus losses during spring snowmelt. Catena, 223, 106908.


Lasisi, A. A., Akinremi, O. O., Kumaragamage, D., & Racz, G. (2023). Phosphorus drawdown rate following cessation of repeated manure application to annual crops. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125(1), 63-75.


Sonne, C., Desforges, J.-P., Gustavson, K., Bossi, R., Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E. C., Long, M., Rigét, F. F., & Dietz, R. (2023). Assessment of exposure to perfluorinated industrial substances and risk of immune suppression in Greenland and its global context: a mixed-methods study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(7), e570-e579.


Soto, H. S. J. S., Amarakoon, I. D., Casson, N. J., Kumaragamage, D., & Wilson, H. F. (2023). The fate of dissolved sulfamethoxazole during spring-thaw snowmelt in a field with a history of manure application. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 103(3), 522-526.


Walker, H., Pope, J., Sinclair, A. J., Bond, A., & Diduck, A. P. (2023). Qualitative Methods for the Next Generation of Impact Assessment. The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.


Yalamala, R. S., Zurba, M., Bullock, R., & Diduck, A. P. (2023). A review of large-scale renewable energy partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations in Canada. Environmental Reviews, 27 April 2023.



Attanayake, C. P., Dharmakeerthi, R. S., Kumaragamage, D., Indraratne, S. P., & Goltz, D. (2022). Flooding-induced inorganic phosphorus transformations in two soils, with and without gypsum amendment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 51(1), 90-100.


Bullock, R. C. L., Diduck, A. P., Luedee, J., & Zurba, M. (2022). Integrating social learning, adaptive capacity and climate adaptation for regional scale analysis: A conceptual framework. Environmental Management, 69(6), 1217–1230.


Camarero, J. J., Tardif, J., Gazol, A., & Conciatori, F. (2022). Pine processionary moth outbreaks cause longer growth legacies than drought and are linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Science of The Total Environment, 819, 153041.


Desforges, J.-P., Outridge, P., Hobson, K. A., Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., & Dietz, R. (2022). Anthropogenic and climatic drivers of long-term changes of mercury and feeding ecology in Arctic beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) populations. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(1), 271-281.


Desforges, J. P., Weijs, L., Hickie, B., & Gergs, A. (2022). Models as Much Needed Tools in Ecotoxicology: Integrative Approaches to Cross Barriers. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 83(4), 295-298.


Diduck, A. P., Johnson, R. M., Edwards, E., Gardner, J. G., Sinclair, A. J., & Patel, K. (2022). Small hydro and environmental justice: lessons from the Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 101-118). Routledge.


Diduck, A. P., Patel, K., & Malik, A. K. (Eds.). (2022). Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge.


Diduck, A. P., Patel, K., & Malik, A. K. (2022). Lessons for policy and institutional reform. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 231-238). Routledge.


Dietz, R., Letcher, R. J., Aars, J., Andersen, M., Boltunov, A., Born, E. W., Ciesielski, T. M., Das, K., Dastnai, S., Derocher, A. E., Desforges, J.-P., Eulaers, I., Ferguson, S., Hallanger, I. G., Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Heimbürger-Boavida, L.-E., Hoekstra, P. F., Jenssen, B. M., Kohler, S. G., Larsen, M. M., Lindstrøm, U., Lippold, A., Morris, A., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Nielsen, N. H., Peacock, E., Pinzone, M., Rigét, F. F., Rosing-Asvid, A., Routti, H., Siebert, U., Stenson, G., Stern, G., Strand, J., Søndergaard, J., Treu, G., Víkingsson, G. A., Wang, F., Welker, J. M., Wiig, Ø., Wilson, S. J., & Sonne, C. (2022). A risk assessment review of mercury exposure in Arctic marine and terrestrial mammals. Science of The Total Environment, 829, 154445.


Fitzpatrick, P., Diduck, A. P., & Robson, J. P. (2022). Good development should not end with environmental assessment: Adaptive management and learning as guiding principles for northern development. In A. Craft & J. Gunn (Eds.), “In Our Backyard”: Legacy Resource Development in Northern and Remote Areas: The Keeyask Experience (pp. 351-367). University of Manitoba Press. 


Hegde, M., Patel, K., & Diduck, A. P. (2022). Environmental clearance conditions in impact assessment in India: moving beyond greenwash. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 40(3), 214-227.


Hegde, M., Patel, K., Diduck, A. P., & Gupta, D. (2022). Karwar fisherfolk’s quest for environmental justice: Examining the roles of impact assessment. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 186-200). Routledge.


Henault, J., Norris, D. R., Linton, J. E., & Westwood, R. (2022). Egg Laying Behaviour and Larval Shelter-Construction Patterns of the Endangered Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Butterfly's Western Population in Canada. The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 76(1), 43-55, 13.


Henault, J., & Westwood, R. (2022). Endangered Oarisma poweshiek larvae vary their graminoid forage in Manitoba, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 154(1), e49, Article e49.


Indraratne, S. P., Pierzynski, G. M., Baker, L. R., Prasad, P. V. V., & Pitumpe Arachchige, P. S. (2022). Pelleted-manure compost improves mine spoil properties enhancing plant growth and phyto-stabilization of potentially toxic metals. Canadian Journal of Soil Science.


Kumaragamage, D., Weerasekara, C. S., Perry, M., Akinremi, O. O., & Goltz, D. (2022a). Alum and gypsum amendments decrease phosphorus losses from soil monoliths to overlying floodwater under simulated snowmelt flooding. Water, 14(4).


Kumaragamage, D., Weerasekara, C. S., Perry, M., Akinremi, O. O., & Goltz, D. (2022b). Alum and gypsum amendments decrease phosphorus losses from soil monoliths to overlying floodwater under simulated snowmelt flooding. Water, 14(4), 559.


Letkemann, A., Bétournay, C., Patel, B., Patel, K., & Diduck, A. P. (2022). Holding international finance institutions accountable for environmental injustice: A case study of the Tata Mundra power plant in Gujarat. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 154-170). Routledge.


Malik, A. K., Diduck, A. P., & Patel, K. (2022). Advancing environmental justice: Lessons from the Thoothukudi Sterlite Copper case. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 201-215). Routledge.


Patel, K., Diduck, A. P., & Malik, A. K. (2022). Environmental justice in India: context, issues and framework. In A. P. Diduck, K. Patel, & A. K. Malik (Eds.), Advancing Environmental Justice for Marginalized Communities in India: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 1-20). Routledge.


Shaw, A., Steelman, T., & Bullock, R. (2022). Evaluating the efficacy of GIS maps as boundary objects: unpacking the limits and opportunities of Indigenous knowledge in forest and natural resource management. Journal of Cultural Geography, 39(1), 90-116.


Sinclair, A. J., Diduck, A. P., & Parkins, J. R. (2022). Innovative approaches to achieving meaningful public participation in next generation impact assessment. In K. Hanna (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment (pp. 239-258). Routledge.


Van, E., Kumaragamage, D., Amarawansha, G., & Goltz, D. (2022). Ferric chloride amendment reduces phosphorus losses from flooded soil monoliths to overlying floodwater. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 102(3), 707-718.


Zurba, M., Land, G., Bullock, R., & Graham, B. (2022). Exploring Indigenization and decolonization in cross-cultural education through collaborative land-based boundary education. Journal of Cultural Geography, 39(1), 8-31.



Buijs, A., Rodela, R., Gulsrud, N., Diduck, A. P., Blomquist, E., Stålhammar, S., & Raymond, C. M. (2021). Hackathons for Inclusive Urban Planning: Exploring Divergence to Co-create Convergence: Deliverable 3.1.a, VIVA-PLAN. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4777779


Concepcion, A., Kumaragamage, D., Akinremi, W., Dharmakeerthi, S., Goltz, D., & Indraratne, S. (2021). Phosphorus release from intact soil monoliths of manure-amended fields under simulated snowmelt flooding. Journal of Environmental Quality, 50(1), 252-263.


Desforges, J.-P., Marques, G. M., Beumer, L. T., Chimienti, M., Hansen, L. H., Pedersen, S. H., Schmidt, N. M., & van Beest, F. M. (2021). Environment and physiology shape Arctic ungulate population dynamics [https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15484]. Global Change Biology, 27(9), 1755-1771.


Diduck, A. P., & Sinclair, A. J. (2021). A learning-focused analysis of Canada’s new Impact Assessment Act. In M. Doelle & A. J. Sinclair (Eds.), The New Canadian Impact Assessment Act (IAA) (pp. 497-512). Irwin Law.


Gowthamy, P., Indraratne, S. P., Weerasooriya, R., & Mapa, R. B. (2021). Characterisation of clay mineralogy of the major soils in the Northern region of Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 49(3), 351–360.


Indraratne, S. P., Pierzynski, G. M., Baker, L. R., & Vara Prasad, P. V. (2021). Nano-oxides immobilize cadmium, lead, and zinc in mine spoils and contaminated soils facilitating plant growth. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 101(3), 543-554.


Indraratne, S. P., Spengler, M., & Hao, X. (2021). Cattle manure loadings and legacy effects on copper and zinc availability under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 101(2), 305-316.


Kang, J., Jiang, S., Tardif, J. C., Liang, H., Zhang, S., Li, J., Yu, B., Bergeron, Y., Rossi, S., Wang, Z., Zhou, P., & Huang, J.-G. (2021). Radial growth responses of two dominant conifers to climate in the Altai Mountains, Central Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 298-299, 108297.


Olynyk, M., Westwood, A. R., & Koper, N. (2021). Effects of natural habitat loss and edge effects on wild bees and pollination services in remnant prairies. Environmental Entomology, 50(3), 732-743.


Raymond, C. M., Buijs, A., Rodela, R., Gulsrud, N., Stålhammar, S., Lehtilä, K., Haaland, C., McLachlan, T., & Diduck, A. P. (2021). Mosaic Governance: A Multi-Method Approach for Engaging Diverse Groups in the Planning of Green Spaces and Meeting Spots, VIVA-PLAN Project Comprehensive Report. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5520132


Sinclair, A. J., & Diduck, A. P. (2021). Considering the potential for meaningful public participation under Canada’s new Impact Assessment Act. In M. Doelle & A. J. Sinclair (Eds.), The New Canadian Impact Assessment Act (IAA) (pp. 327-346). Irwin Law.


Vitharana, U. W. A., Kumaragamage, D., Balasooriya, B. L. W. K., Indraratne, S. P., & Goltz, D. (2021). Phosphorus mobilization in unamended and magnesium sulfate-amended soil monoliths under simulated snowmelt flooding. Environmental Pollution, 287, 117619.


Kelly, W., Lam, M., Letkemann, A., Arksey, A., & Bullock, R. (2021). Manitoba. In H. H. Kyle Rich, Grace Nelson (Ed.), State of Rural Canada 2021: Opportunities, Recovery, and Resiliency in Changing Times (pp. 45-53). Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.


Weerasekara, C., Kumaragamage, D., Akinremi, W., Indraratne, S., & Goltz, D. (2021). Phosphorus mobilization from intact soil monoliths flooded under simulated summer versus spring snowmelt with intermittent freeze–thaw conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality, 50(1), 215-227.


Zurba, M., Sinclair, A. J., & Diduck, A. P. (2021). “Two-Row” cross-cultural learning for collaborative governance of forestland in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Regional Environmental Change, 21(2), 57.