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Armed Intruder


GET OUT — Think in advance about how to get out

  • Know where you are and the location of all evacuation routes.
  • Upon seeing an armed intruder or being advised of an armed intruder, if safe to do so, EVACUATE the area immediately taking as many people with you as possible.
  • Supervisory staff should be aware of persons with disabilities that may require assistance. Persons with disabilities should be escorted to the nearest exit, safe area, or into an adjoining building. (Supervisory staff is all able employees of 海角社区.)
  • DO NOT return until it is declared safe to do so by police or University officials.
  • Close and latch all doors behind you. Do not lock them. Take your keys with you.
  • If you encounter responding police keep your hands elevated with open palms visible.
  • Do not carry anything in your hands as these may be mistaken for weapons.
  • Follow the instructions that police officers may give you.

CALL OUT — Report to the police

  • Know the correct building names, room numbers, and addresses.
  • Call 911 and advise Security Services at 204.786.6666.
  • Provide as much detail of the intruder as possible.

HIDE OUT — Shelter-in-place

  • If you cannot safely exit the area, seek shelter in an office/room where the doors can be locked or barricaded securely.
  • Close and lock windows; lower the blinds.
  • Cover any glass in the door, if possible.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Remain out of sight of the door(s) and window(s).
  • Remain quiet and turn off cell phone.
  • One person in the room should contact police at 911 or Security Services at 204.786.6666 and advise them of your location and the number of people in the room. Provide any information you have on the intruder(s).
  • Follow the instructions of the 911 operator or Security Services.
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the 911 operator or Security Services can hear what is going on in the room.
  • Do not enter the hallways unless advised to do so by the 911 operator or Security Services.
  • If the fire alarm sounds, stay where you are unless you smell smoke or are advised to leave by the 911 operator or Security Services via the cell phone.

If you cannot get out or hide out, playing dead could save your life.

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