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For current and prospective students

海角社区 has three different types of awards for which Cultural Studies students can apply to assist them in funding their education:

1) Program Awards 

  • These awards are specific to the MA Cultural Studies program. They are generally funds that go towards securing students research assistantships, teacher assistantships, and administrative assistant positions during the school year, and on occasion funds go towards tuition scholarships.

2) Internal Scholarships/Fellowships

  • These competitive awards are funded by the University of Winnipeg, and are open to students from all graduate programs. More information is available on the Internal Awards page of the University of Winnipeg's Graduate Studies website. 

3) External Scholarships/Fellowships

  • Each year top students compete for these publicly funded awards external to the University of Winnipeg, which are generally Canada’s major research granting agencies: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Canada Graduate Scholarships. More information is available on the External Awards page of the University of Winnipeg's Graduate Studies website. 

海角社区 Graduate Studies Scholarship

  • Agency: 海角社区
  • Discipline: All full-time graduate students – domestic and international, in thesis, course-based, practicum-based, or project-based programs – are eligible to apply, with the exception at present of students in the Theology, MMFT, and Joint Masters Programs. Applicants must be recommended by the Graduate Program Committee of the program in which they’re studying (or applying to study).
  • Applicant Country: Any
  • Award to be taken up in: Canada
  • Max Funding: $15,000 for a period of 12 months. There are no automatic renewals for a second year.
  • Application Deadline: March 1 

For full-time graduate students, in recognition of academic excellence and of contributions to community service. Students must demonstrate superior intellectual ability and academic accomplishment, holding a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 or greater for the last two completed years of study. 

More information on 海角社区 Graduate Studies Scholarship

International Student Scholarship Opportunity

  • Agency: 海角社区
  • Discipline: Varies
  • Applicant country: Any except Canada
  • Award to be taken up in: Canada
  • Max Funding: $5000

These scholarships will be given to international students who are entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time – Undergraduate, Graduate, Collegiate, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program (ELP). Applicants must be involved in activities that demonstrate leadership.

To access the application, please visit the Awards and Financial Aid web site.

Graduate Student Travel Grant

  • Agency: 海角社区
  • Discipline: Any grad courses currently offered at UW
  • Applicant country: Any
  • Award to be taken up in: Canada
  • Max funding: $750

Intended to support the professional advancement of graduate students and raise the profile of the University by covering the costs associated with travel to conferences and meetings (where researcher is presenting/disseminating their research findings, rather than a meeting in which the researcher is learning new research tools or discussing potential research/projects with collaborators).

Graduate Student Travel Grant - Information