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Alumni Profiles

Maureen Babb, 2008

Maureen BabbMaureen keeps busy with her work at the University of Manitoba, continues to engage in academic scholarship, and is working on research and creative projects. Fun fact: Maureen is a graduate of the Honours program whose thesis included some original artwork – a comic, to be exact!

How did you decide to major in Classics?

It's all Mark Golden's fault (and I remain very saddened at his passing). I entered undergrad knowing I was going to major in Anthropology, and in my first semester I took the second year Ancient Greek History class with Dr. Golden, just for fun. It ended up being such a fascinating and engaging class, and of course with such a dynamic and knowledgeable lecturer, that by the end of it I knew I was going to double major in Anthropology AND Classics. 

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

Practically every single course in the Classics was incredibly interesting, and the department had at the time, as it still has, really top-notch faculty that have very diverse research interests, many of which align with my own interests in the classical world. Also, of course, the program worked well with my other major of Anthropology and I was able to focus on classical archaeology in a big way. The professors were very supportive and encouraging, and open to non-traditional modes of scholarship – for instance, I created a comic for the undergraduate thesis I did with Dr. Golden. 

What was your favourite class?

I had to pull up my transcript to answer this question; there was so much overlap between my Classics courses and my Anthropology ones that I had to double check which ones belonged to which department – or maybe which ones I took as Classics courses, because I think a number of them are cross-listed with Anthropology. Of course I really enjoyed the opportunity to do a thesis with Dr. Golden, so that one ranks highly. So too does "Magic and Divination" with Dr. Ripat, but unsurprisingly, my favourite Classics course was probably "Sites of the Ancient World" which involved travelling to Greece for three weeks and looking at archaeological sites and museums all over the country with fellow University of Winnipeg students, as well as students from the University of Waterloo. I'm also going to give a shout out to one of the archaeological field schools I did, even though that course is listed as an Anthropology class, because it was in Greece, at the Bronze Age site of Mitrou. I got to work on the osteological team there, and it was absolutely one of the best experiences of my life. 

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

If you find it interesting, you should just do it. You will have a number of annoying people tell you that the degree will be useless, but you can just tell those people to be quiet. Their opinions don't really matter. It's your life. Studying Classics allows you to explore fascinating subjects while developing critical thinking skills, learning how to consider things from different cultural contexts, and gaining a sense of historical perspective. These skills will benefit you no matter where you choose to go in life.

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

I've recently accepted a position as a Science Librarian at the University of Manitoba, and I'm wrapping up a few papers which I will be submitting to journals soon. In terms of what's next, now that I'm in a position that's a little more secure, I'm hoping to be able to start on some more large-scale research projects and a few creative projects as well. I'm also hoping that once this pandemic is over that I'll be able to travel a bit – maybe even go on another archaeological dig. 

Interview from March 19, 2021

Kylee Bailey, 2018

Since we last caught up with her in 2021, Kylee has completed her MA in Classics at University of Toronto and is now a PhD student in Classics at the University of Toronto.

Kylee's interview from August 13, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

It took me a few years to settle on Classics! My initial plan was to study creative writing and philosophy, which I did for the first few years of my degree. Then in one of my philosophy courses, during a lecture about Plato, the professor spoke so fondly of ancient Greek that I felt obligated to learn it. Soon after, I was mesmerized by Greek, then Latin, and very quickly I found myself majoring in Classics and never looking back. 

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

Throughout my degree, I was introduced to many texts that captured my imagination. I was always keenly excited to hear what we would be reading, but what affected me as much as the material itself was the passion with which the faculty taught it. The enthusiasm was infectious. I will always consider UWinnipeg Classics not only the place where I received excellent practical instruction, but where I learned how to appreciate and respect ancient material through the example of very knowledgeable, invested professors.

What’s your favourite memory of your time at UWinnipeg Classics?

What stands out for me about my time at UWinnipeg Classics is the incredible sense of comradery and encouragement. I constantly witnessed positive interactions that created a welcoming environment. Whether it was in my classes, private meetings, the common room, or the tutorials for which I was a TA, positivity permeated the whole department.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Surely one of the more daunting aspects of majoring in Classics is tackling Greek and/or Latin. When I enrolled for my first ancient Greek course, I heard so many horror stories that I nearly dropped it before the first class! My advice here is to believe in your ability. It is certainly a challenging process, but with consistency and patience, your effort will pay off. In my journey as a classicist, my most cherished point of reflection is how learning Greek and Latin has illuminated avenues of thinking that couldn’t have occurred to me otherwise. I think this is true of Classics in general! What a major in Classics looks like is full of possibility, but it’s certain that you’ll end up building enriching skills and new ways of thinking that you may not have anticipated, but from which you will benefit.

What have you been up to since graduating?

Since graduating, I have completed my master’s degree at the University of Toronto, and I am currently in my first year of the PhD program there.

Brittany Bauer, 2020

Brittany Bauer

Brittany Bauer completed her MA in Cultural Studies at the University of Winnipeg and is now a PhD student in Classics & Ancient History at the University of Bristol. Her research focuses on the diet of the poor in Roman Italy.

Brittany wrote her UW Classics Honours thesis on Roman dining practices – including an experimental aspect where she made ancient dining implements and cooked Roman food. She’s now going on to a MA in Cultural Studies, also here at UWinnipeg. Read more about Brittany's work on Roman dining practices.


Brittany's interview from September 11, 2020

How did you decide to major in Classics?

While taking Dr. Gibbs' Roman Egypt course many years ago for my humanities requirement in a previous degree, the subject matter, passion of my instructor, and small class size were some of the reasons I decided to pursue this Classics degree.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

My professors have all been exceptional, and the small class sizes allow students to engage in meaningful discussions with both professors and peers. The language requirement for the honours stream has been valuable to my studies, and is essential for further education in this field. I have been able to explore a wide array of subjects in the papers I have written during my time here, and have gained teaching experience by working as a TA for Dr. MacKinnon in the Anthropology lab for the last few years. This degree has given me great foundational knowledge in critical and cultural theory, which I believe was imperative for me to be accepted into the Cultural Studies MA program. The professors in this department are eager to make us better writers and researchers, and overall, want us to succeed.

What was your favourite class?

Classical Archaeology with Dr. MacKinnon! It was in his class(es) that I found my perfect niche: classics combined with science. Getting to be in the lab and having that hands-on experience is so essential for this degree, and Dr. MacKinnon makes it ever more enjoyable by being incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about the subject matter.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Go for it! There is so much to explore in this field, whether it be politics, sexuality, archaeology, warfare, language, or any other aspect of everyday life in the ancient world. You will end up finding your speciality, and your professors will be happy to help you expand your knowledge, and become an excellent researcher and writer. I ended up publishing two articles before I graduated! It is really so fulfilling.

What’s next for you?

I will be working on my MA in Cultural Studies here at the U of W in 2020/2021. After that, I have been entertaining the idea of getting my PhD in Ancient History/Archaeology, Classics, or something similar. Ultimately, I would love to be a curator at a museum, or maybe even a professor.

Jazz Demetrioff, 2019

Jazz DemetrioffJazz Demetrioff completed her MA in Classics at Brock University and is now a PhD student in Classics at SUNY Buffalo. Her research focuses on health practitioners, including pharmacology, in Roman antiquity.

Alongside her undergraduate publications, strong scholarly work, and numerous archaeological excavations, Jazz was a leader in our Department, who organized countless events and initiatives for the UW Classics Student Association. We loved her Classics origin story ("yelled at" by Dr. Gibbs), and agree with her that Classics at UW is a supportive and vibrant community of scholars, teachers, and students.


Jazz's interview from February 5, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I guess you could say it is a funny story now, but when I first decided to major in Classics it was actually a hard decision. During my first and second year of my undergraduate at the university I was in the Faculty of Education. I registered for CLAS-1001-Roman Society for credit towards my elective, and it did sound interesting; it did help that I already found ancient Rome fascinating. Taught by Dr. Matt Gibbs, formerly University of Winnipeg, now McEwan University, the course was upbeat, fun and enlightening (besides the good grade). This led me to take another Classics course, Roman Egypt, with the same professor. Being only a second-year and taking a third-year course was nerve racking, but I was confident that I would succeed. Half-way through the term I sat in Dr. Gibbs’ office and was “lectured” (more like “yelled” at) why I was a good student and fit for their department. Formalities aside, I was asked to make a decision, ‘what did I want to do, Education or Classics?’. It was a tricky decision but knowing that I was more interested in learning about the ancient world than practical theory and practicum, I switched over to the department of Classics. Soon after, I was accepted into the Honours program and every term, every class and every day was gratifying.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

One of the most influential and inspiring things about the Honours program was that the faculty was always willing to go the extra mile for you. Whether it was an extension, books to borrow for research papers, discussing an assignment, or even just to talk and catch-up; everyone was friendly, welcoming and open to what you had to say. I thought to myself, ‘this is the faculty meant for you, this is who you may be one day’. Even if you weren’t taking a course with a specific professor, their door was always (unless they weren’t on the department floor) open so that students could come by to chat. Some days in the program were harder than others and my professors were there to lend a hand. Building a close relationship with your professors, especially in your chosen faculty, is essential to your success because the help is there; all you have to do is ask. Even after you graduate, like in my case, you still have those relationships and stay connected through your chosen specialty. I never once was let down or tossed aside by a professor, maybe told to come back later, instead like other Majors/Honours in the program we had all the help and encouragement we could needed to be successful. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them, so thank you to all the professors in the department.

What was your favourite class?

My first thought reading this question was, ‘really, you’re going to make me choose?’. It is a tough call, to say the least, and if I were to choose a ‘favourite class’ I couldn’t just pick one. My focus in the Honours program was Roman socio-cultural history and archaeology, therein every course I took was my favourite. I’m personally more a fan of the Latin language than Greek, so I guess you could say there were classes I liked more than others, but again, a difficult choice to make. If I had to choose one it would have to be CLAS-3060 Health in Antiquity. With such an upbeat professor, interesting material and lab time, I was always in haste to learn more on the topic. Even selecting this one course feels wrong, as there were many favourites during the program, and if I could list every single one, I would. I was just grateful to learn about the ancient world.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

For those of your considering majoring in Classics, I say good for you and take the time to decide. It may take you your first year at the university to see that you want to enroll in the program. I would suggest starting your languages, Latin and Ancient Greek, early but not at the same time (lots of memorization). The languages are essential for you to complete the program, but also if you want to attend graduate school. Some of you may choose to specialize in the languages while others in civilization, either way keep up with your languages and complete as many years as you can. I’ve heard others suggest completing the required courses prior to electives, but I would suggest taking an elective each year (or term) so that you have a course that interests you and may be more ‘fun’ than others. That being said, any course that you do take that requires you to write assignments/research papers, do start them early. Why, you may ask; to be perfectly honest, this helps you with your time management skills and ability to complete your research without panicking at the last minute for ancient sources or archaeological data. I was constantly told to start my research early, and from practice, it’s second nature for me, as it will be for you too.

I would also suggest that you apply to be a Teaching Assistant, come your third/fourth year, as this job helps you practice your skills as an academic in Classics courses. This will give you experience that you may need in the future, and extra cash for books on antiquity, of course. Now, the most important, I find, is that if you do decide to Major in Classics (or not), is that you join the UWCSA (University of Winnipeg’s Classics Student Association). This core group (non-profit) is definitely a helpful way for you to get to know fellow Classics or Majors of other programs. You get to spend your time volunteering for a good cause and with a great team. I would say the UWCSA was a getaway from the classroom, even though you may have classes with some of the members. Even more, it was a way to promote Classics to the rest of the university with fun events, bake sales and teamwork. Both the Teaching Assistantship and the UWCSA look great on CVs and resumes, so be sure to keep these in mind when you work through the program.

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

Currently, I’m in my second year of the Masters of Arts program at Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario), specializing in Art and Archaeology. This year, with COVID-19, has been a tricky one, for everyone, but my department has taken every step to make sure that we still get a similar learning experience and can interact, face-to-face, during scheduled classes. I specialize in health in antiquity, with emphasis on Roman society, Roman socio-cultural history and archaeology, with interest in Roman oil lamps. I’ve been on three excavations in Italy, both land and marine, but unfortunately with the pandemic, it is unclear when I will be able to return. My current research pertains to snakes in the medical realm and how they were utilized as bio-medical objects, determined by their typology, in medicaments used in the Roman world. This year, alone, I’ve been published in two academic journals (Past Imperfect Vol.22 and Electra Vol.5), and will be giving a paper at the CAMWS Annual Meeting come April 2021. As for my graduate studies, I hope to attend a PhD program in Fall 2021 to further my academic career in my specialities (currently waiting for admittance letters) and plan to continue on as a post-secondary educator and archaeologist. *I would like to thank Dr. Peter Miller for asking me to take part in the department’s ‘Catching Up with Classicists’, and to the faculty for all your support during my undergraduate program and the influence you’ve had on my current endeavours.

Stay safe and stay “Classy”!

Andrew Dryden, 2015

Andrew Dryden didn't enter university knowing that he wanted to study Classics, but once he took his first Intro to Greek Society course he was hooked. While he quickly learned to love the field, he also credits some incredible instructors in our department as having a major role in his decision to major. Now, he's applied his experience in Classics to another field - Education.

How did you decide to major in Classics?

Funnily enough, Classics was not initially what I thought I would pursue studying and came about by chance. I had a wayward university career lasting from 2005 to 2015 that involved 4 different majors and even saw me drop out for a couple of years to investigate other options.

I always had an interest in social studies, specifically history. So When I returned to university after a year hiatus in 2008, I signed up for a CLAS/HIST cross-listed class, Intro to Greek Society. A friend of mine was also taking that class, but in a different section of it and whenever we would chat she could not stop raving about the prof that was teaching her. He was this outlandish Welshman with a strange accent, a penchant for pushing the boundaries of traditional faculty decorum, and a sincerity that was oddly endearing. To those who have taken his classes, there should be no doubt I am describing the peculiarly charming Dr. Matt Gibbs.

I could write all day about Dr. Gibbs but the important take away is that he used his position as a teacher to challenge me while also expressing a belief in me as a student. To say meeting him was a watershed moment in my life would be an understatement. While there were other members of the faculty who were very important to me both personally and professionally, like Dr. Whately and Dr. Cahill, without Dr. Gibbs I doubt I would have pursued Classical studies.

What did you like about the major and/or honours program?

Studying ancient cultures, in my opinion, is about more than just learning about bygone eras. To me, it transcends this because biologically human beings have not changed significantly in tens of thousands of years. By learning about them, we can learn about ourselves. In addition to that, I have always had an appreciation and interest in languages. Put them together? Boom! University Eutopia (one of my favourite Greek root words).

What was your favourite class?

This is a difficult question as the two contenders are so vastly different from each other.

The first class that comes to mind was in the summer of 2013 when we were given the chance to go to Greece and work on an archaeological dig for 6 weeks for university credit. While it was A LOT of work, it was also an adventure and experience I will never forget.

Another class that was special to me was “Ancient Epic in Translation” taught by Dr. Mark Golden. Before taking that class I had never read more than mere excerpts from important classical epics like the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Argonautica, and Metamorphoses. Having a greater understanding for the content and context of these works deepened the meaning of artistic, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence that was used throughout every other classical course I had taken. I found myself walking out of that class and regularly reflecting on classes from previous years with an increased appreciation. Not taking that class earlier in my career is one of my few academic regrets. In addition to that, Dr. Golden was a fantastic lecturer and storyteller second only to Dr. Jane Cahill.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

I floated between declaring four different majors during my time in university, including sciences, which is why I also took what many feel is one of the harder classes the university offers, Organic Chemistry. While this is true, Organic Chem is definitely difficult, what people do not say enough is that Greek and Latin language are even harder (in my opinion).

Language classes move at a pace where they force you to be a better and more organized student. To the point where you sometimes actually lose track of how much you might be learning and improving. If you feel this way and are feeling discouraged, I would recommend going back two or three chapters and look at some of the practice questions. I suspect you will be shocked at how far you have come and how much you have learned.

During my studies I often felt like Sisyphus, but don’t just look at what lies ahead, also give time to all the ground you’ve already covered.

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

After exploring options in opening a business and applying for law school, I pursued my Bachelor of Education at the University of Manitoba (after being at the U of W from 2005-2015 I decided I needed a change of scenery), graduating in 2020.

I wholeheartedly believe my experience in Classics prepared me for success in my B.Ed because of the research, reading, and flexibility Classics requires. In Education, you often need to learn about topics you have limited or no background in *and then* be able to communicate what you have learned in a way that your audience can understand it too. Just like in Classics, context and language are key.

Interview from August 27, 2021

R茅mi Fontaine, 2013

Remi FontaineRémi Fontaine is now Branch Head Librarian at Cornish Library in Winnipeg.

Thanks to Rémi for sharing his experiences and showing how a Classics degree can be valuable in a non-Classics career.


Rémi's interview from February 9, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

Before starting any university course, I had a drive to learn more about ancient Greek and Roman society, thinking it would help me understand better the political and cultural institutions of today (without really appreciating the ~2000 year in between). What really sold me to pursue the major, and the Honours program, was my first year of Ancient Greek. I simply fell in love with the language: its elegance, style, and even its grammar. From there, I felt compelled to learn about the people who wrote in Ancient Greek and Latin, their thoughts, culture, history, and way of life.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

The attention the faculty gave its students. I felt pushed, challenged and encouraged to pursue topics I found interesting and made to see the value of some of the topics I found to be less so. Whether it was a particular paper I wanted to dive into for a specific class, or an independent study course I wanted to pursue, I had the impression the Honours program was tailored to my specific interests.

What’s your favourite memory of your time at UWinnipeg Classics?

There isn't just one, but generally taking study breaks in the common room and inevitably having our discussions go back to whatever we were studying. With such a large variety of courses, and never having enough time to take them all, I would always learn something from my fellow classmates about a course I had unfortunately missed out on. 

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Don't hesitate. A major in Classics allows you to practice foundational skills that open so many doors after graduating; whether it's researching, critical thinking, writing or presenting, the skills you learned will never be wasted. Plus you will get the chance to practice them in various subdisciplines (e.g. literature, archeology, philology, art history)!

What have you been up to since graduating?

Right after graduating I started working full time with the Winnipeg Public Library performing children's story time and later working the reference desk, until 2016 when took a year leave of absence to complete a Master in Library and Information Science at Western University. I've since become Virtual Services Librarian (still at the Winnipeg Public Library) working with our online collection, catalogue and website. I've also perfected my sourdough game, competed in a few local fencing tournaments, and started a family during a pandemic.

Dr. Melissa Funke, UW Assistant Professor

Melissa FunkeLearn more about some of Dr. Funke's exciting initiatives including Peopling the Past and The Lux Project!

Visit Dr. Funke's faculty profile for more information about her current work.

Where did you go to graduate school and what is your area of expertise?

I did my master's at University of British Columbia and my PhD at University of Washington. I wrote my dissertation on gender in Euripides' fragmentary plays (i.e. the ones that only survive in quotations in other authors or on scraps of papyrus from the Egyptian desert), but lately I've been working on gender and sexuality in Greek literature more broadly as well as dramatic performance in antiquity and the present day.

What do you like most about Winnipeg?

It's home! I grew up in Manitoba and did my undergrad here at University of Winnipeg. It's a city with a lot of accessible culture, great food, and friendly people, so I'm thrilled to have ended up here.

What have you enjoyed most with remote teaching? 

While I desperately miss being in the classroom with my students, remote teaching has created some opportunities I may not have had access to otherwise. For example, I've been able to bring in guest speakers, including the authors of some of our readings in my class on ancient women and theatre professionals into my Staging Greek and Roman Drama class. That group is currently working on creating Zoom performances from ancient plays and I'm excited to see the creativity that being online fosters. And I can't complain about spending every day with my dog, Raspy, who has made a few of his own guest appearances in class!

What have you missed the most with the move to remote teaching and learning?

I've worked hard to connect to new students this year. In the classroom I typically use a lot of group discussion and activities to foster community. I always enjoy watching my students learn from each other and engage with the material this way. But it turns out that in quite a few classes, students took their own initiative to set up group chats and message boards to connect with each other. I hope that the students I taught this year will come introduce themselves in person when we return to campus.

What advice do you have for students and colleagues coping with the “new normal” this year?

We should all take a few moments to reflect on what we've accomplished during a time when there has been so much uncertainty. I saw my colleagues not only pivot to online instruction, but use it to innovate and introduce exciting new activities in their classes. My students have been doing really great work this year, despite having changing work and home environments. When we look back on this time, we'll see how resilient we were and that we managed to come together to grow and learn despite being physically separated by a pandemic.

On a more practical level for students, make sure to stay in good contact with your profs. We want to do our best for you and you're not just a Zoom square to us. The more we're in contact, the more we can help you succeed while we're doing remote learning.

Interview from May 14, 2021

Laura Garand, 2020

Laura GarandLaura is a graduate student in San Jose State University’s School of Information and a Financial Services Officer at Access Credit Union in Winnipeg.

Though she was originally a Psychology major, it didn't take much to get Laura hooked on Classics! Laura graduated with a 4-year Classics degree in 2020, and was the recipient of the 2020-21 John Dee Maurer Prize.


Laura's interview from June 11, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I actually graduated with a 3-year BA in Psychology in 2016, and my transcript was just 3 credit hours short of a minor in Classics. I returned to the U of W in 2019 as an honours Psych student, which lasted about 4 hours. I had popped into Dr. Gibbs' office to say hello on my first day back, and after chatting with him and Dr. Miller about potential grad programs and career options, I left campus that day a Classics major. The switch made a lot of sense as I had been feeling like I was still in psychology only because I started there and should just keep going, not because I wanted to pursue it. Even as a psych student, I had a love for the Classics courses I took, and all the relationships I had cultivated with teachers and profs were through Classics, so the switch felt very natural for me, like I should have been there all along anyways.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

Besides the content, I really valued the relationships I came out of the program with. I had no shame in being that student that sent emails or set up appointments with the professors to clarify a singular instruction, or seek help finding an ancient source, and they were always happy to explain and offer help in any way they could. And the before/after/between class conversations with other Classics students were always great as well because there aren't many other people in my life who can laugh at a Classics joke or understand why I hate the movie Gladiator with such a fiery passion.

What was your favourite class?

Though I'd be hard pressed to name a course I didn't enjoy, I'd say that Ancient Sexuality with Dr. Funke and Ancient Epics in Translation: The Iliad with Dr. Miller were my favourite courses for lectures and content, but I took a directed readings course and a tutorial course, both with Dr. Gibbs that had no lectures or pre-determined content and both courses were purely research and writing papers (including one thesis length paper) and not only did my writing skills improve what seemed like a million levels, I also discovered how much I am in love with research and libraries, and ultimately what helped me decide I wanted to pursue a career in Library Studies.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Well, if you're like SO MANY of the other Classics students I have ever talked to, you'll just end up transferring into the program at some point down the line anyways, so you might as well just jump in and get a head start on your languages! (From someone who came to the department super late, and regrets not having any language courses!) Also, no matter what faculty you end up in, learn how to use the library, and then actually check books out for research, I promise it's worth it!

What are you up to now?

Currently I work full time as a Member Service Rep for Access Credit Union, however I'll be on maternity leave starting in April as my husband and I are expecting our second baby. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear from the University of Alberta, and very much hoping for acceptance into their Master of Library and Information Studies program for September 2021.

Joseph Gerbasi, 2011

Joseph GerbasiJoe completed his PhD in Classics at the University of Toronto and is now a Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics at Toronto. His research focuses on Greek oratory and Platonic dialogue.


Joe's interview from April 30, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I wanted to study a lot of areas in the humanities and figured I should begin at the beginning. It was a pretty substantial beginning, so before I was done with Classics I had majored in it.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

The program encouraged learning languages and reading masterpieces of literature, philosophy, and history – which is exactly what I wanted to do!

What was your favourite class?

I don’t know if this counts as a class, but writing my Honours thesis under the supervision of the late, great Mark Golden comes to mind. Mark divined that I would like Horace’s poetry and recommended that I take it as my thesis subject. He also noted, with characteristic irreverence, that he himself didn’t like it. This made for an interesting dynamic.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

What Apuleius said: lector intende, laetaberis! (Reader, pay attention, you’ll delight in it!)

What are you up to now?  

At the moment, I’m finishing up my PhD in Classics at the University of Toronto, where I’ve also been teaching since 2017.

Brett Harder, 2020

Brett HarderHow did you decide to Major in Classics?

I always loved mainstream media that was based in the Classical world such as the video game Rome: Total War and movies such as Gladiatory, but my decision to major in Classics actually started in high school. My high school offered a Classics course and it was the spark the lit my academic fire to study this subject in a post-secondary manner. I have always had a healthy interest in Classics, but this high school course made my choice to study Classics in university very easy!

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

I loved the fact that no matter what course I took (required or elective), I was always interested and challenged. In high school, you were always forced to take many classes that you just hated because you were just not interested in them. However, that was never the case with the Classics honours program. Whether it be a course about warfare, religion, theatre or the always difficult Latin and Ancient Greek courses, I was always interested in the subject matter. Furthermore, the faculty in the Classics department has to be one of the best at the University, because I liked every single professor that I ever had. These factors really allowed me to blossom in this program, and in my University education.

What was your favorite class?

My favorite class was Sport in the Ancient Greek World with Dr. Peter Miller and it is not even close. I have always had a passion for sports, and being able to combine my love for modern sports and my love for Classics was amazing. I was able to learn about the origin of the Olympics and other ancient sporting festivals, and being able to see the ancient influences in modern sports organizations was absolutely great! This course also sparked my desire to write my undergraduate thesis about rules, regulations and referees in Ancient Greek sport. By far my favorite class during my university experience.

What advice do you have for students thinking of majoring in Classics?

My advice would be to test the waters by taking a few classes, and if you are even semi-interested, do it. There is a big emphasis today, that University education needs to immediately set you up with a high paying job, and if it doesn’t, then it’s useless. That is not always the case. My Classics degree allowed me to build a foundation of great work ethics, it improved my writing ability, allowed me to improve my presentation and public speaking ability, and improved a variety of other skills that will help no matter what profession you pursue. I was also fortunate enough to participate in an archaeological excavation in Pompeii for 3 months with various other North American university students. This was an absolutely amazing experience that I will remember for the rest of my life and I can thank the Classics department and my decision to pursue a Classics degree for that

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

I currently work at the University of Winnipeg for the Recreation Services Department. In my current position, I am in charge of running all student intramurals at the University, as well as I run the Winnipeg Basketball League which is the largest adult basketball league in Winnipeg. I also hope to put my knowledge of Ancient Sport to practicality as I hope to travel to Greece in 2024 and participate in the Revival of the Nemean games as an athlete!

Interview from May 19, 2023

Jesse Hill, 2014

Jesse HillJesse Hill completed his PhD in Classics at the University of Toronto and is now a UKRI Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. His PhD dissertation won the triennial Classical Association of Canada prize for the top dissertation written in Canada between 2020-2022.


Jesse's interview from April 16, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I was an English major in my first two years at the U of W and ended up taking a couple cross-listed English/Classics courses with Mark Golden at the recommendation of a friend (who, Winnipeg being Winnipeg, had been Mark’s neighbour). I eventually realized that I liked those courses more than anything else I was doing, gave Latin a try in my third year, and fell very, very hard for the language and its literature. So, Mark Golden and Latin converted me. 

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

Beyond the content of the courses, I liked the small class sizes, the exceptionally friendly and caring teachers, the sense of community cultivated by both (I still have good friends from that community), and, as is particularly clear in hindsight, the quality of instruction: U of W’s Honours program really did prepare me well for graduate study.

What was your favourite class?

First-year Latin with Jane Cahill, a course that was, for all sorts of reasons (the pedagogy high among them!) genuinely life changing. But I had lots of other great courses, and I am particularly grateful to have had the opportunity to write an honours thesis in my last year.  

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Well, majoring in Classics made my life more interesting and all around better; it might do the same for you. Also, if you feel drawn to Greek and/or Latin, don’t be intimidated – give them a try! They’re a lot of work but entirely worth it.

What are you up to now?  

I have my hands pretty full here in Toronto at the moment. I’m teaching two classes at UofT (second-semester Latin and “Spectacle in the Roman World”); I’ve just submitted the final edits for two articles that I have coming out this spring in TAPA and Classical Quarterly (one of them is on Catullus’ last poem, the other, co-written with Jarrett Welsh, is about the textual transmission of “Placidus”); I’m working on a couple new papers and a book review; I’ve been doing a bit of copy editing for Phoenix; I’m sending out job applications to every academic position I’m qualified for; and, finally, I’m defended my dissertation, The Latin Past and the Poetry of Catullus, at the end of February.

Melanie Johnston, 2022

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I actually knew I wanted to major in Classics before I even realized what Classics was! I had a teacher in middle school who would read the myths to my class whenever she got the chance and from that moment on, I was hooked. Except, Classics as a field of study was not something I had ever heard of at the time. And so, I spent the next few years with this love for ancient history and no idea that it was something I could pursue academically. Eventually, I met a Classics student at a career fair who was more than happy to share information about their degree with me. I left that conversation feeling so inspired that by the time I enrolled in university, joining the Classics department felt like the natural next step. Although, I must thank Dr. Gibbs for keeping me in Classics because I admittedly had a crisis of faith halfway through when I realized I didn't have time for the languages along with everything else I had going on at the time. 

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

The wide variety of uniquely interesting courses offered is something I still talk about. I feel like because the program offered so many different classes to choose from, it really allowed me to diversify my knowledge which has been incredibly helpful for me as I continue my studies. It also makes me a great trivia player!

What was your favourite class?

I feel like there are way too many to choose from! I often found myself agonizing over picking only a few each term because it wasn't just the classes I wanted to take, but the professors I wanted to take the classes with. However, based off of where my own research interests lie, I will say Ancient Sexuality as well as Women and the Family in Greece and Rome, which were both taught by Dr. Funke, were my favourites. Close contenders though were Romans and Barbarians taught by Dr. Whately and Classics and Comics taught by Dr. Swain because while neither of their classes were closely related to my research, I had so much fun and I learned so much in those classes that I have to include them here as well.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

I actually have two pieces of advice. The first is: don’t be afraid to get in touch with your professors! I spent the first few years being too shy to reach out to anyone and not only did my experience suffer for it, but so did my grades. It was only after I returned from a year hiatus with this intense desire to prove something to myself that I finally got over being shy and started talking to my professors as much as possible. By doing that, both my experience in the program and my grades improved dramatically. So, don’t be afraid to send follow up emails or go to your professor’s office hours. I promise reaching out to your professors is not as scary as you might think and you’ll end up feeling more engaged with your studies.

My second piece of advice is: don’t let the idea of the languages keep you from majoring in Classics. There are graduate schools who will accept you even if you don’t have all the necessary language requirements (I’m living proof of that!) and there is always a chance to make them up at a later date too. Now, that is not to say that you should avoid them completely. I really enjoyed learning the languages and they can open a whole new world of knowledge for you. But my circumstances at the time didn’t allow for me to dedicate the necessary hours of studying that was needed to advance with the languages. If you find yourself in a similar boat, don’t be afraid to take your time with the languages or even pursue them at a later date.

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

Right now, I am completing my Masters in Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo and looking forward to my first ever trip abroad to Greece with my school. Afterwards… Who knows?! I have so many different ideas and passions I want to pursue that it’s really anyone’s guess where I’ll end up next. The best part about a Classics degree is that it teaches you a vast array of skills that can be applied in ways which allows you to pursue all sorts of opportunities.  

Interview from May 19, 2023

Amy Mack, 2013

Amy MackIf you’d like to chat with Amy yourself, feel free to connect with her on profile.

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I knew I wanted to major in Classics before I even enrolled in courses. Becoming an archaeologist or university professor were my dream jobs back when I was a teenager. I spent countless hours learning about classical history and daydreaming about becoming a scholar and academic. Admittedly, I likely romanticized the role of an archaeologist, as I did watch "The Mummy" far too often as a teen.

I applied for advanced admission at the University of Winnipeg and enrolled in a few Classics courses right away, very eager to learn. Within my first year of studies I had received feedback from a Classics professor that I showed aptitude and talent in this field and should consider it as my major. I declared Classics as my major, however throughout the rest of my university career I began to discover that my true purpose was to study and work in numerous fields instead of one. I learned very quickly that I'm someone who is energized by frequently trying and learning new areas of study and new tasks, which is compounded by being curious, an ambitious learner and a high achiever. I graduated with a major in Classics however I chose to change my career path and not pursue a Master's and Doctorate like many other alumni had done. I wanted to keep my options open as I wasn't ready to commit to one field of study and its career paths without trying many other new pursuits.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

I enjoyed the challenge that each course presented. The courses and activities in Classics always provided an added level of challenge compared to the other courses I had taken. I was also always very interested in the learning process and structure of courses and spent a lot of time trying to figure out exactly how to thoroughly complete assignments, combing through the professors' detailed instructions in the syllabus. Since I had a knack for often biting off more than I can chew, as someone who is ambitious, sometimes I tackled too many challenging courses at once, but I still had fun.

I loved the community. I met some of my closest friends in Classics courses – friends that I still speak to seven years post-graduation. My life would not be the same if it hadn't been for making all of those connections with like-minded people in Classics. The professors were supportive, knowledgeable, and showed great dedication to their students. The classes were small which meant that you could ask questions in class and receive the answer without getting lost in the crowd. The student body was similar to small town life - you knew almost everyone.

What was your favourite class?

There are so many to choose from and it is difficult to pick only one, so I will list my top three:

  1. Sites of the Ancient World was likely my absolute favourite as it provided an immersive learning experience (we travelled to Greece and stayed for nearly a month).
  2. Pompeii and Herculaneum with Dr. Ripat. The activities and assignments were incredibly fun and helped reinforce knowledge and learning for years to come. Some of my friends and I still reminisce fondly over the wonderful learning experience and Dr. Ripat's expert guidance. I've been using some learning activity ideas from that course with my own students.
  3. Intro to Roman Society, a course I took in my first year, is very dear to my heart as that was the first course I took about Rome. I remember acing many of the assignments and coming to realize that I had a talent for that type of work.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Although I didn't continue pursuing a career in Classics, I can tell you one thing: majoring in Classics substantially contributed to the person I am today and my many successes in unrelated fields of work and study. 

I can thank my undergraduate degree in Classics for my stellar abilities to:

  • Thoroughly document what I've seen, experienced, and what I know
  • Write effectively and make my arguments clear
  • Solve problems creativity, pulling sources from many areas to find the right solution
  • Analyze information
  • Present in front of a group
  • Manage my time effectively and learn self-management
  • Think critically by digging to uncover truths and knowledge, including being untrusting of information that seems suspicious or biased
  • Capture and review every detail
  • Be resourceful when conducting research and trying to find answers

All of these skills greatly helped me in every job I held post-graduation, whether it was in an entry-level position or a senior-level position. These are soft skills that can otherwise take years to develop should they not be learned in post-secondary.

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

After graduating from the University of Winnipeg, I began building a career in the expansive field of administration, working in various roles and fields and taking online courses on the side. I developed strong knowledge and expertise which led me to my current role as an Instructor teaching the Business Administrative Assistant program at Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). My love of learning new areas of study, growing professionally, trying new things, and achieving high pursuits are flourishing in this role. I've realized that I was meant to work in adult education and will continue to pursue teaching, program development, and instructional design, with hopes of eventually pursuing a Master's Degree in adult or post-secondary education.

Interview from February 9, 2021

Caitlin Mostoway Parker, 2020

Caitlyn Mostoway ParkerCaitlin Mostoway Parker is one of our former Classics Honours students who has now completed her MA in Classics at Trinity College Dublin.

Caitlin has always been enthusiastic about her Classics studies and was featured in the University's Education with Impact series.


Caitlin's interview from December 4, 2020

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I decided to major in Classics after taking Roman Society in my first year. I had come to university already wanting to pursue studies in ancient history, but I wasn't aware that there was a whole department for it!

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

I really liked that we have such a diverse group of professors who are ready to help students with anything they might be interested in. The size of the department is excellent, and it allows for a more inclusive learning experience. 

What was your favourite class?

I have a few, but I would say Roman Egypt with Dr. Gibbs, or Slavery in the Ancient World with Dr. Ripat.

There are too many great courses to choose from!

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Do it! You won't regret it. 

What’s next for you?

I'll be starting an M.Phil. in Classics at Trinity College Dublin this September. 

Simone Obendorfer, 2017

Simone ObendorferSimone graduated with a Classics Honours degree in 2017 and an MA in Cultural Studies in 2019. She is now Director and Consultant at .

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I had spent my first year or two in University taking random courses, unsure of what I wanted to choose as a major. Nothing really piqued my interest, and I wasn’t exactly flourishing. I was a little lost at the time and I thought I would just take enough random classes to get a general 3 year BA. The first Classics course I took was Murder and Intrigue in Imperial Rome, taught by Dr. Matthew Gibbs, and it was the first class I really enjoyed. However, I wasn’t sure what I could do with a Classics degree, and I had never pictured myself in graduate school. After taking a few more courses, learning a lot more about the avenues that I could pursue, and realizing that I truly loved the content and the challenges, I decided to major.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

I was always in awe of the faculty: The way they loved what they did, wanted to share it with as many people as possible, and really drew students in to the program with their passion for their subject. I really enjoyed being part of that environment. 

What was your favourite class?

I loved them all. I really enjoyed my third and fourth year courses and tutorials, because of the depth of the material and the small class sizes, we were able to use a Socratic seminar style of discussion between classmates as a way of learning from one another. I also really enjoyed Latin and Greek, they were very challenging and I felt very accomplished when I did well. 

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Start Latin and Greek early and keep on top of your homework! 

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

I am currently working as a Collections Management Assistant at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. I plan to continue my education full-time once the world gets back to normal. In the meantime, I started taking a course for fun with Dr. Melissa Funke in January!

Interview from January 22, 2021

Heva Olfman, 2019

Heva OlfmanHeva Olfman completed her MA in Classics at McMaster University and is now a PhD student in Classics at McMaster. Her research focuses on the tradition and representation of lamenting women in ancient Greek and Latin literature.


Heva's interview from October 23, 2020

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I have always loved stories and I was interested in history, but I did not know what I could do with those interests. I was in my second year of university, taking a random assortment of classes and I decided to see what first year Latin would be like. At the end of each chapter there were these small selections of paragraphs taken from ancient poems and prose. I was always excited to read the story or excerpt in each chapter. From those excerpts I realized that I could spend my time both reading stories and learning about history. I decided to take Roman Society the next term before fully committing to Classics. I found I was becoming more interested the more classes I took and by the next year all my classes were in the Classics department.         

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

I liked how open and available the faculty always was. I always felt comfortable to go for help or to reach out when it came to my academic interests. Going through a demanding Honours program it was nice to have the support of professors when I needed it.  

What was your favourite class?

I don’t necessarily have one all time favourite class that I took, I more have three classes that stick out in my mind as favourites or milestones in my degree. In my third year of university I took a class on Alexander the Great, and I just remember always having a lot of fun in that class. The next year was my first Honours Latin class, where we read Amphitryon and Catullus’ works, it was difficult, but by the end of the year I felt really accomplished. The third class that stands out in my mind was my intermediate Greek class. I did not go into that class overly confident in my abilities, but by the end of the year just as with Latin in the previous year, I was really happy and felt proud of my accomplishments.   

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

I think anyone interested in Classics should go for it! There is so much in this field for everyone, you can focus on literature, art, history and that is just naming a few. More specifically my advice for anyone entering the language classes would be, yes, it is hard and it will take up so much more time than you can imagine it should, but being able to read something so old and maybe even connect intellectually or emotionally with a character in a story from thousands of years ago in my opinion is well worth the work. Even if your interests are not in literature I think taking Latin and Greek is an important and beneficial aspect to all areas of Classics.  

What’s next for you?

Currently I am completing my MA at McMaster University; my project is focused on Women and their laments in Latin poetry. This year I will be applying for PhD programs starting fall 2021. I hope to one day work in Academia as a professor studying Latin Literature, Women, and Gender in Ancient Literature. 

Dr. Pauline Ripat, UW Associate Professor

Dr. Pauline RipatDid you know that Dr. Pauline Ripat got her start in Classics right here at the University of Winnipeg?

It didn’t come up in our Q&A, but it's certainly worth noting that Dr. Ripat and her collaborator, Dr. Christina Vester (University of Waterloo), were awarded the at the Classical Association of Canada (CAC) conference for their apps and . Congratulations Dr. Ripat!

Visit Dr. Ripat's faculty profile for more information about her current work.

Where did you go to graduate school and what is your area of expertise?

I went to the University of Washington (Seattle) for my PhD. My general area of interest is Roman social history. This is generally the study of Roman social and cultural systems rather than political narratives, though the two aren't entirely separable. My general investigative approach has been through the study of religion and magic, though my current research focuses instead on folk concepts of health.

What do you like most about Winnipeg? 

I grew up in Winnipeg (and did my undergraduate degree in our Department!), so I have probably spent more time than many thinking about this, even breaking the question into seven subquestions, each with the stress on a different individual word. My answer always comes out to about the same, though: I'm really lucky to be where my family is and where my husband's family is. A lot of my colleagues are not able to be close to their parents as they age, and it was a real privilege for me to be able to be able to spend a lot of time with my mother. 

What have you enjoyed most with remote teaching?      

In hindsight, I enjoyed the necessity of revisiting how I deliver material to students, the kinds of assignments I give, and what topics should be focused on. I think the remote environment also encouraged some of the students who might not have spoken up in a traditional classroom setting to be more in touch with me and some of their classmates. I thought that was great.

What have you missed the most with the move to remote teaching and learning?

I miss the ability to get immediate feedback from students when speaking! It can be strange talking into what feels like a void because I can hear only myself.

What advice do you have for students and colleagues coping with the “new normal” this year?

Enjoy what there is to be enjoyed. For me, this was learning how many birds, squirrels, and rabbits travel through our yard every day (my desk is in our living room). It's surprisingly relaxing to be able to contemplate the wildlife.

Interview from June 25, 2021

Daniel Russell, 2018

Daniel RussellDaniel Russell has completed his MA in Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa.

When we spoke with him in 2021 he shared how studying the fall of Rome, enrolling in Latin and Greek, and the wonderful support of UW Classics faculty led him to studying Classics at the graduate level.


Dan's interview from March 5, 2021

How did you decide to major in Classics?

I was enrolled in Dr. Whately's course on the fall of Rome when I was introduced to late antiquity as a subdiscipline of Classics. Shortly afterward, I converted from dabbling in Canadian and American history with a view to grad school or education to studying Classics exclusively. Latin and Greek were also fundamental in pushing me to take the route of Classics. There is nothing quite like learning another language for understanding the world view of another society. I felt that I could understand the ancients like never before, that I had the ability to see the world through their eyes, something rarely experienced in other disciplines. 

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?

The faculty does a wonderful job of supporting their students in whatever path you decide to take. I felt very nurtured in the close-knit environment of the department, and they were always there for me with ready career advice and reference letters whenever I needed them. Moreover, they provide their students with tangible experience in the field whenever they can, the lux project being a perfect example. I got to wear Roman armour and participate in an excavation in Greece - not at the same time sadly - so never say never! 

What was your favourite class?

There is certainly more than one: Dr. Whatley's Fall of Rome introduced me to the field that I would like to specialize in, and Dr. Miller's Archaic Greek Poetry was a fascinating introduction to the cultural milieu of Homer and the world of the Greek lyric poets. Also, Dr. Ripat's love of Latin and late republican Rome was contagious! 

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

Do it! You will certainly find your niche in the field as any aspect of Greco-Roman society and culture can be studied, from history, philosophy, and literature, to art, architecture, and archaeology. Even if grad school is not your ultimate goal, Classics contextualizes modern society in ways you never would have thought. The Bank of Montreal on Main Street is a perfect example of Greco-Roman architectural influences on the designs of public buildings in the early 20th century. A course in mythology offers a contextual basis for the Freudian Oedipus/Electra complexes or the analysis of the Dionysian and Apollonian dichotomy in the writings of Nietzsche. With Classics, you will never stop learning, discovering, and rediscovering. 

What are you up to now? What’s next for you?

I am in my second year of an MA in Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa. I am enjoying my studies immensely, as the program specializes in late antiquity. I hope to pursue my studies at the PhD level in the near future and eventually share my enthusiasm for Classics with others as a professor. 

Colin Shelton, 2006

Colin SheltonColin Shelton is an Assistant Instructional Professor at the University of Chicago.


Colin's interview from May 28, 2021

Connections, community, and an eclectic mix of classes – these are just three of the things that stood out for Colin during his time as a Classics student at UW.

How did you decide to major in Classics?

When I was at U of W, I took a deliberately eclectic mix of classes. I wanted to figure out how different disciplines saw the world, and I wanted to get beyond the divisions of study I had encountered in high school. When it came time to pick a major, Classics seemed like a way I could tie together a wide variety of interests, from Darwinism to Daoism. Even if my Classics courses were all about Ancient Greece and Rome, what I learned there brought me something to take to the table in all the other disciplines I dabbled in. And at that time, at least, doing the Classics Honours program gave me the most flexibility to pick up courses across the university.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours Program?

I liked the tight-knit community of students and professors. Classes were small, and I felt like I really got to know people. As I mentioned above, I also loved how my work in Classics enhanced the work I did in other disciplines, and the way the program itself allowed me to gain a breadth of intellectual experiences.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?

For me, the real joy of Classics has always come when I've noticed a connection between what I learned about Greece and Rome and some other aspect of life. Making those connections beyond Greece and Rome has also helped Classics majors get into a huge range of careers. So, do Classics, and do something else too. When I was in university, I didn't really appreciate that there were opportunities available to me then that wouldn't be there once I graduated. For instance, I could have taken a summer Inuktitut immersion course, and I should have! Find out what's available. One place to look is the Archaeological Institute of America, which lists all kinds of opportunities connected with the ancient world, in the Mediterranean and beyond.

What are you up to now?

I'm the Language Program Coordinator for the Department of Classics at the University of Chicago. I teach novice through intermediate courses in Latin and Ancient Greek, and I train graduate students so they can teach these courses in the most innovative and student-centered way they can. One of my favourite parts of the job is co-teaching a seminar every year on how language teaching works. I work with a colleague who's a German teacher, and together we work with students from across the university, who are getting ready to teach languages as varied as Old Kannada and modern Korean.

Cindy Titus, 2009

Cindy TitusA UW Classics alumna who emphasizes a few times how fun Classics is, Cindy Titus now works at Winnipeg's Main Street Project.

How did you decide to major in Classics?
I initially intended on majoring in psychology. I decided to change course and pursue Classics after I took an intro philosophy class in my first year. I was so fascinated by what I learned through Plato’s Symposium and I wanted to know more about the world Plato lived in.

What did you like about the major and/or Honours program?
I just had so much fun learning about so many fascinating subjects.

What was your favourite class?
My favourite class was Magic and Divination with Dr. Pauline Ripat and of course I have to mention Classical Mythology with Dr. Jane Cahill. So fun!

What advice do you have for students who are thinking of majoring in Classics?
You are going to have so much fun learning! Dive in and enjoy it.

What are you up to now?  
I am work doing communications and fundraising at Main Street Project, a community health centre in Winnipeg that provides services to individuals experiencing mental health issues, substance use issues and homelessness.

Interview from July 9, 2021