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Plan Your Degree & FAQ




What is involved in doing a Business degree at the University of Winnipeg?

All University of Winnipeg undergraduate degrees, including a Business degree, involve meeting general requirements (set at the university level) as well as specific requirements of a particular discipline (set by Departments and/or Faculties).

We recognise that many students have questions about their degrees and/or courses.  For that reason, we have developed a comprehensive FAQ located at the bottom of this page.


To discuss your Business courses and the structure of your degree, you should make an appointment to speak to the Business Academic Advisor, Christy Campbell.  Christy will review your course selections and help you plan for future years.  In fact, you should be making an appointment to see Christy every year to ensure your are on track to complete your degree.

To make an appointment to see Christy, visit the following link:

For those studying Accounting

For those studying Accounting, we have created two Course Maps that will help you progress through your degree: 

The second Course Map will be useful if you are looking to get the maximum CPA prerequisite credit from your undergraduate degree prior to entering the CPA program.  For more information on the CPA Program please visit our CPA Campus Recruitment Page.

If you would like to speak to a faculty member on the broader aspects of our degrees (the different concentrations, career prospects, etc.) please send an email to business@uwinnipeg.ca and we can arrange this for you.  If you would like to specifically talk about Accounting (CPA designation, career prospects, etc.) please contact our Accounting Administration Chair Rosalie Hamrs (r.harms@uwinnipeg.ca).  


If you have decided studying Business is right for you, it is a good idea to declare your intent to undertake a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree by downloading and completing a Major Declaration Form.  

Declaring your degree is important for several reasons:

  1. It helps to give the university an indication as to which degree requirements should be used to determine your eligibility for graduation;
  2. It can be a catalyst to require you to think through your degree program all the way to completion and to help you do so in time to make necessary plans (in consultation with a Business Academic Advisor, on an annual basis);
  3. It will bring you into contact with a representative of the Business and Administration Department who can help you plan your degree (the aforementioned Business Academic Advisor);
  4. It helps the Department (and the University) gain a better understanding of the number of the students in the program for resource planning purposes (i.e. hiring needs, number of course sections, different types of courses, etc.)
  5. Finally, by declaring your intent the Student Planning module in WebAdvisor will more accurately reflect your progress in your degree and/or requirements.


Below are answers to some of the most common questions students have about a BBA degree, as well as referrals to sources of further information. 

Choosing and Declaring a BBA Degree
What are some possible career options for a BBA Graduate?

Students graduating with a BBA are qualified for entry-level positions in business, not-for-profit organizations and the public sector. For BBA graduates with significant work experience, a BBA can create opportunities for promotion and middle management positions.

Past graduates of the business program at 海角社区 have found work in accounting firms, banks, insurance companies, retail management, manufacturing, as well as in government and not-for-profit organizations.

Here is just a sample of some of the positions held by graduates as gleaned from the LinkedIn connections of one of our faculty members:

  • Business Development and Project Management
  • Community Relations Specialist
  • Realtor
  • Account Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Operations Specialist
  • Research Associate
  • Owner/Operator
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Communications Specialist
  • Team Lead
  • Financial Analyst
  • Talent Acquisition Leader
  • Management Counsel
  • HR Information Systems Analyst
  • Economic Development Analyst
  • District Sales Manager
  • Regional Partnerships Manager
  • Commercial Sales Representative
What are the primary differences between a 3-year bba degree and a 4-year bba degree?

The 4-Year BBA (120 credit hours) covers the fundamentals subjects of business and allows for concentration in a particular area, such as Accounting, Marketing, International Business or Human Resources / Organizational Behaviour. Many of our senior 4th year courses (4000 level) are small and thus run in a seminar format, with weekly opportunities to engage with current issues, the academic literature and business case studies. A 4-year BBA is an excellent foundation for further study in business such as an MBA or other graduate degree program, and is more widely recognized in the business and government communities as analogous to a Bachelor of Commerce degree.

The 3-Year BBA (90 credit hours) is covers the fundamental subjects of business, and is an excellent complement to a degree in another field. As such, it is intended to be readily accessible as a part of a double degree program.

Please note that it is not possible to "double major" with a BBA and a major in some other subject. A BBA is a degree in and of itself, not a "major" within some other type of degree. In order to earn two degrees, students must meet all the requirements of both degrees sought and complete an additional 30 credit hours beyond what would be expected for the "longer" of those two degrees.

Is it possible for a 3-year BBA degree graduate subsequently to earn a 4-year BBA degree?

Yes. The requirements for a 3-Year BBA degree are all relevant to a 4-Year BBA degree, so it is relatively straightforward to complete the additional requirements for a 4-Year BBA degree after having graduated with a 3-Year BBA.

However, it is not possible to hold both a 3-Year BBA and a 4-Year BBA, as this would be double counting the same credits. Once the additional requirements have been met for a 4-Year BBA degree, it will replace the original 3-Year BBA degree. Note that Student Central (or the Convocations Office in Student Records) must receive the original 3-Year BBA degree back from the graduate before it will issue the 4-Year degree.

How do I declare that I want to work toward a BBA degree?

First, we are thrilled you'll be joining the Department.  Second, declaring your intent to pursue a BBA is easy: a form is available for this purpose.  This completed form must be submitted to Student Central after you have completed 36 credit hours and before you have completed 60 credit hours. Of course, you are welcome to do this sooner if you choose.

Why is there a form?  The rationale for getting you to declare your intent to work toward a BBA is to encourage you to think through your degree program all the way to completion at a time when you still have at least two academic years ahead of you to schedule courses.  Therefore, an advisor will not sign a blank form or fill out the form for you as you hold the right and responsibility to decide what courses you take.

All that said, even after you and the advisor have signed the form, you are not “locked in” to that plan for the next two or more years; you can substitute other courses for the ones on you were planning, provided that the resulting combination of courses still meets the program requirements of the BBA degree you are working towards.

Once you have filled out the form, make an appointment with an advisor in the Business & Administration department to have the form signed. At that time, you are welcome to ask any questions you may have about the BBA program, some of which may be covered by the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions listed below.

How should I organize my BBA program in order to complete it most efficiently?

In order to complete a BBA program efficiently, take foundation courses (such as Introduction to Business I and II, your math requirement and the 2000-level Fundamentals courses) as early in your program as possible because they are prerequisites for most other courses required for a BBA. This strategy will give you the most schedule flexibility for subsequent semesters.

The selection of courses offered in our Spring semester is usually less broad than that offered during Fall and Winter sessions.  The breadth of courses offered in the Spring varies considerably and is generally not consistent, especially at the 3000 and 4000 levels.  As such, we recommend that you do not necessarily rely on the availabilty of Spring courses to complete your degree.

Finally, the best way to ensure you are progressing efficiently through your degree is to make an appointment to visit with our Business Academic Advisor, Christy Campbell.  To make an appointment, scroll up on this page or visit uwinnipeg.ca/business/help directly.  We recommend that you make an appointment to see Christy at least once a year.

Choosing and taking courses
What courses can/should I take as a first year student?

First, welcome to the Department and the University!  As a first year student, we have a fairly standard suite of courses that we recommend you take.  In May 2024, we made a video to help you select the courses needed to start studying Business with us:

How do I know what courses to choose?

The Business and Administration section of the University of Winnipeg Course Calendar states the requirements for earning a BBA degree, including prerequisites for all of our courses.

We recognise that degree planning can be a fairly daunting and confusing task for many of our students. For that reason, there is direct help available for all Business students.  Christy Campbell is our Business Academic Advisor and she can help you plan your degree.  Christy will review degree requirements and work with you to make a customised plan for completing your degree.  We recommend that you visit with Christy at least once a year to ensure you are on track.  

To book an appointment with Christy, scroll up on this page or visit www.uwinnipeg.ca/business/help directly.

If you are just starting out in your degree with us in 2024, the following video includes a discussion of courses that you should be taking in Year 1:

Tip: Not all courses described in the Course Calendar are offered every term, so check the Timetable or WebAdvisor (online registration) to see when a particular course is being offered.

I attempted a course twice and did not achieve the necessary grade to continue. Am I permitted to attempt the course a third time?

A student wishing to attempt a course for the third time requires permission of the Department Chair (email business@uwinnipeg.ca). Fourth attempts for BUS courses will NOT be granted, as per University policy.  Students should make sure that they are well positioned to be successful in the third attempt; this may mean taking additional writing or math courses and / or MUTLI 1000.  Note that an F in a course does not count as an attempt under University policy.

When making a request to take a course for a third time, note that a particular section of a course may be waitlisted. In those cases, permission can only be given to place you on the waitlist. We cannot guarantee you a spot in the course that is waitlisted.

You can find specific sections for the course on WebAdvisor.

Do you offer courses in the Spring semester?

We certainly do, although we do not offer a full suite of courses like you will find in either the Autumn or Winter semesters.  Many students utilise the Spring semester to catch up on pre-requisites or get a headstart on degree requirements.  That said, students should NOT expect that the courses they need/want will necessarily be offered.

Can I take business courses at another University and have them count toward my BBA at UW (Letter of Permission)?

This question is becoming more common.  Students will enquire if they can enrol a course at, for instance, an online Canadian University and have that course apply to their BBA degree. 

As a matter of principle and policy, these Letters of Permission are not permitted. Business courses (i.e., those courses which start with BUS) needed for Concentration or other degree requirements must be taken at the University of Winnipeg. 

Our rationale for this policy is quite simple: BUS courses required for a UW BBA degree must be taken at the University of Winnipeg.

All requests for a Letter of Permission trigger a degree audit by the Business Academic Advisor to determine where a student is at in their programme. 

Do you offer courses online?

As of September 2022 海角社区 has returned to in-person teaching for the vast majority of our courses. For updated safety measures and guidelines please visit our COVID-19 site

Students can check WebAdvisor for up to date courses offered online. 

Can I take a course if I do not have the prerequisite(s)?

We get asked this question frequently, and usually in the context of two scenarios:

SCENARIO 1: Early in the programme (first or second year)

The first scenario pertains to those students early in the programme.  The first two years of the business programme at UW are very strict in that students cannot proceed to the 2000 level "Fundamentals" courses without a minimum grade of C+ in BUS1201, BUS1202 and the math requirement (MATH1301 or ECON 1201).  There are no exceptions to this.  We structure our programme this way because the academic content in the 2000 level Fundamentals courses is substantial and we want students to be prepared to succeed.  If you do not meet the C+ requirements in any or all of these first year courses, you will need to re-take them.

SCENARIO 2: Later in the programme (advanced courses)

This second scenario involves our more senior students.  To advance to 3000 and 4000 level courses, minimum grades are required in the prerequisites.  If a student does not have these minimum grades in those prerequisites, the courses must be taken again.  As always, check the prerequisite requirements in the University Calendar.

Is it possible to have the math prerequisite (MATH 1301 or ECON 1201) waived?

No.  The math requirement (MATH 1301 or ECON 1201) will not be waived.


I do not have MATH 40S (Applied or Precalculus). Can this be waived?

No. MATH 40S Applied or Precalculus (or equivalent) is required for a BBA degree and is a prerequisite. Having a solid foundation in math is integral for your studies in Business, and as a result this requirement will not be waived.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers mathematics access courses that you can take to earn the equivalent 40S requirement, however these will take two semesters to complete and thus should be considered when planning your degree.  Another option is to take Math 40S from JobWorks, the Adult Education Centre, Crossroads Learning Centre or some other adult education centre.

In some cases, the Department of Economics or the Department of Mathematics and Statistics may waive the Math 40S requirement.  The Department of Business and Administration does not have a position on this, but students should be aware that, as per the University Calendar, Math 40S is required for the BBA degree.

I did not get the required C+ in the academic writing course. Do I need to re-take the course?

Yes. Successfully completing the academic writing course requirement with at least a grade of C+ is required to be successful in BUS 3000 or BUS 4000 level courses (for which the academic writing course is a requirement).  These upper year courses often feature substantial writing assignments, so the preparation provided by the academic writing courses is very important.

You will find additional information about the writing courses available here: /rhetoric/department-programs-writing-requirements.html

While there are multiple 'versions' of the academic writing course available (e.g., humanities, social sciences, business, etc.), all are acceptable.  The Department of Business and Administration recommends strongly that students enrol in the business 'version', however.  

Transfer Credits/Courses
Is it possible to transfer credits from courses I have taken at other institutions?

It may be possible to transfer credits from university-level work done at other institutions in Canada and internationally, however we will consider courses taken that are deemed equivalent to BUS 1000 or BUS 2000 level courses only.  This is because we require students to take 3000 and 4000 level courses at UW in order to have a UW BBA conferred.  

Many courses from local institutions, such as The University of Manitoba and Red River College have already been evaluated as analogous to specific BUS 1000 and/or BUS 2000 University of Winnipeg courses. The UW 海角社区 team will look after that for you.

Courses completed more than 5 years from the date of application for transfer will not be eligible for transfer credit.

Note that transfer credit is not given in advance of a course being completed at an outside institution.  In those situations, a Letter of Permission is required (see elsewhere in this FAQ for more information).

I have the required prerequisite for a course but I took it at another institution and Webadvisor is not recognizing the credit. How do I fix this?

If the transfer credit course appears on your WebAdvisor record with a grade of an "S" (for "Standing") you will have to register in person at Student Central as WebAdvisor is not recognizing the credit that you have received for the course.

If the prerequisite course does not appear in WebAdvisor at all call the 海角社区 Office at 786-9159 or email admissions@uwinnipeg.ca.

I am a Red River College student. Can my courses transfer to the BBA at UWinnipeg?

It may be possible, yes.  The University has in place a formal agreement with Red River that specifies which courses (and how many) will transfer.  Please refer to the formal agreement document, which can be downloaded here.

I am a PACE student at UW. Can my courses transfer to a BBA degree?

No. PACE is a continuing education programme whose courses are not considered as equivalent to those offered in the BBA degree(s).

Can I take a CPA course and have it count toward my BBA Accounting Concentration?

No. Courses taken through CPA cannot be transfered to a BBA degree for credit.

Miscellaneous Questions
I started my degree a number of years ago and the degree requirements have changed since then. What are the requirements for me to graduate?

Students may graduate based on either the requirements that were in effect when they started their studies at 海角社区 or the current degree requirements.  Note that prerequisites changes are not considered degree changes.

Is there an honours option for a BBA degree?

Not at this time, no.

Is it possible to do a minor in business?

Not at this time, no.

What is the minimum average GPA for a BBA degree?

That information can be found in the University Calendar.

I would like to take BUS 3110/3 Ethics in Management to fulfill my corporate social responsibility requirement. Can this course also be used to fulfill the additional business requirements?

Yes. BUS 3110/3 Ethics in Management can be used towards fulfilling both the Corporate Social Responsibility as well as 3 credit hours of the Additional Business Requirements.

What about recognition of Prior Learning (PLAR) and/or adult learner services?

Many learners have acquired valuable training, skills and knowledge gained through learning experiences such as industry-based education, professional development workshops and seminars, private study and paid and/or volunteer work experience.

Do you have enough knowledge about a subject that a course may be repetitive for you?  If so, check out University of Winnipeg’s (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) PLAR - Challenge for Credit option. We will help you evaluate your prior learning, discuss your educational goals, and identify courses you may wish to challenge for credit.

Additional information
Other Common Questions

While we've attempted with this FAQ to answer most of the common questions we receive, inevitably there will be questions that students may have which have not been addressed.  The following links may be of use: 

  • For inquiries from prospective international students not yet enrolled at 海角社区, please contact International 海角社区.   
  • For inquiries from prospective students within Canada not yet enrolled at 海角社区, please go to our Future Students Page from which you will be able to contact our Student Recruitment and 海角社区 departments.
  • For inquiries from learners not coming directly from high school with or without other post-secondary academic work please go to Adult Learner Services.   
  • For inquiries relating to the joint program with Red River College please contact .

Please note, inquiries relating to receiving transfer credit for courses already taken at other institutions and/or receiving academic credit for work experience and other non-traditional learning will only be addressed once students have applied for admission to 海角社区.

If you have already applied for admission to 海角社区 and require further information with regard to:

  • Receiving transfer credit from courses already taken at other institutions, please contact the 海角社区 Office.
  • Receiving academic credit for work experience and other non-traditional learning, please go to Adult Learner Services, from which you will be able to contact someone from this area directly.

In you are already enrolled at 海角社区, and have questions specific to the Business and Administration department, such as

  • questions relating to the Co-op program, please contact Chris Sale.
  • questions relating to specific requirements of a BBA degree program, and/or to declare your BBA degree program, please contact the Advising Assistant.

Of course, please feel free to contact the Department directly if you wish.