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Dr. Fiona Green

Fiona Green Title: Professor (on research leave until January 1, 2025)
Email: f.green@uwinnipeg.ca


PhD - Interdisciplinary (Education, Sociology, Women's Studies) - University of Manitoba. Dissertation: “Living Feminism: Pedagogy and Praxis in Mothering”

MA - Women's Studies - University of York, England. Thesis: “The Development of a Mother-Centred Model of Childbirth”

BA - Sociology and Anthropology - University of Winnipeg (Distinction)


Dr. Fiona Joy Green (she/her) is a cisgender, temporarily able-bodied, straight feminist mother who believes in the power of revolutionary feminist parenting. She’s a White settler living on Turtle Island who is interested in the agency of children and parents, in gender identities, and in the ability of matroreform and feminist motherlines to contribute to feminist parenting, feminist theorizing and feminist praxis.

Professor Green holds an BA (University of Winnipeg, Canada), a MA in Women’s Studies (University of York, England) and an Interdisciplinary PhD in Education, Sociology and Women’s Studies (University of Manitoba, Canada). She teaches a range of Women’s and Gender Studies undergraduate courses from first year to honours, and she is an adjunct professor at the University of Manitoba in the Faculty of Education and in the Department of Community Health Sciences. She has held the positions of Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, and Chair, Department WGS at the University of Winnipeg. She is the founder and first Director of the Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies (2006-2015).

Dr. Green is the author of Practicing Feminist Mothering (ARP, 2011), and the co-editor of eight collections published by Demeter Press that address feminist parenting or maternal pedagogies. She has also authored articles and chapters on female genital cutting, gender fluidity, mommy blogging, and family engagement with privacy and boundary setting related to media and technologies.



1232/6 Introduction to WGS

2333/3 Feminisms: Background and Fundamentals

3003/3 Sex, Sexuality and Science

3004/3 Women, Health & the Environment

3200/6 Feminist Research Methodologies Seminar

3302/3 Feminisms: Current Perspectives

3501/3 Special Topics: Feminist Parenting

4000/9 WGS Practicum

4400/6 Special Topics: Feminist Mothering

4401/3 Advanced Topics: Feminist Parenting

4500/6 Honours Thesis and Colloquium

Research Interests:

Feminism and Mothering/Parenting; Feminist Pedagogy; Gender and Science; Gender Identities; Gender Expression; Media representation of mothers/mothering; Privacy and Social Media; Women's Health


Sole Authored Books:

Green, Fiona Joy. Practicing Feminist Mothering. Arbeiter Ring Press, 2011.

Green, Fiona Joy. Feminist Mothering in Theory and Practice, 1985-1995: A Study in Transformative Politics. Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.

Peer Reviewed Co-Edited Books and Journals:

O’Reilly, Andrea and Fiona Joy Green, editors, The Mother Wave: Theorizing, Enacting and Representing Matricentric Feminism. Demeter Press, 2024.

O'Reilly, Andrea, Fiona Joy Green and Victoria Bailey, editors. Coming into Being: Mothers on Finding and Realizing Feminism, Demeter Press, 2023.

Green, Fiona Joy and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers, editors. Parenting/Internet/Kids: Domesticating Technologies, Demeter Press, 2022.

O’Reilly, Andrea and Fiona Joy Green, editors. Mothers, Mothering and COVID-19: Reflections from a Pandemic. Demeter Press, 2021.

Green, Fiona Joy, Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama, and Andrea O'Reilly. Special edition "Academic Mothers and COVID-19". Journal of the Motherhood Initiaitive Double Issue Vol 11, No 2/Vol 12, No 1 (Fall 2020/Spring 2021).

Green, Fiona Joy and Gary Lee Pelletier, editors. Essential Breakthroughs: Conversations about Men, Mothers, and Mothering. Demeter Press, 2015.

Green, Fiona Joy and May Friedman, editors. Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices. Demeter Press, 2013.

Byrd, Deborah and Fiona Joy Green, editors. Maternal Pedagogies: In and Outside the Classroom. Demeter Press, 2011.

Peer Reviewed Contributions to Books:

O’Reilly, Andrea and Fiona Joy Green, “Introduction.” The Mother Wave: Theorizing, Enacting and Representing Matricentric Feminism, edited by Andrea O’Reilly and Fiona Joy Green, Demeter Press, 2024, pp. 9-41.

O'Reilly, Andrea, Fiona Joy Green and Victoria Bailey, “Introduction” Coming into Being: Mothers on Finding and Realizing Feminism, edited by Andrea O'Reilly, Fiona Joy Green and Victoria Bailey, Demeter Press, 2023, pp. 11-28.

Green, Fiona Joy and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers. “Domesticating Media: Safe to Curl up With?” Parenting/Internet/Kids: Domesticating Technologies, edited by Fiona Joy Green and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers, Demeter Press, 2022, pp. 11-31.

Green, Fiona Joy."The Motherline." Maternal Theory: Essential Readings, 2nd edition, edited by Andrea O'Reilly. Demeter Press, 2021, pp. 643-661.

Green, Fiona Joy and Andrea O'Reilly. "Pandemic Mothering." Maternal Theory: Essential Readings, 2nd edition, edited by Andrea O'Reilly. Demeter Press, 2021, pp. 913-925.  

O'Reilly, Andrea and Fiona Joy Green. "Introduction." Mothers, Mothering and COVID-19: Reflections from a Pandemic, edited by Andrea O'Reilly and Fiona Joy Green, Demeter Press, 2021, pp. 15-32.

Green, Fiona Joy and Tracey Farrington. "No Room for Family: COVID-19 Fatigue." Mothers, Mothering and COVID-19: Reflections from a Pandemic, edited by Andrea O'Reilly and Fiona Joy Green, Demeter Press, 2021, pp. 523-524.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Mothering.” Routledge Motherhood Companion edited by Lynn O’Brien Hallstein, Andrea O’Reilly, and Melinda Vandenbeld Giles, Routledge, 2020, pp. 36-50.

Green, Fiona Joy and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers. “When Story Time is Over: Mothering Adult Children by Practicing Productive Silence.” Middle Grounds: Essays on Midlife Mothering, edited by Kathy Mantas and Lorinda Peterson, Demeter Press, 2018, pp. 253-272. 

Pelletier, Gary and Fiona Joy Green. “Introduction.” Essential Breakthroughs: Conversations About Men, Mothers, and Mothering, edited by Fiona Joy Green and Gary Pelletier, Demeter Press, 2015, pp. 1-13.

Friedman, May and Fiona Joy Green. “Introduction.” Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices, edited by Fiona Joy Green and May Friedman, Demeter Press, 2013, pp. 1-20. 

Edginton-Green, Liam, Barry Edginton and Fiona Joy Green. “Our Fluid Family:  Engagement, Feminism and Expression.” Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices, edited by Fiona Joy Green and May Friedman, Demeter Press, 2013, pp. 183-196. 

Green, Fiona Joy. “Being a Powerful Girl.” Playing It Forward: 50 years of Women and Sport in Canada/Pour celles qui suivront: 50 ans d’histoire de femmes en sport au Canada, edited by Guylaine Demers, Lorraine Greaves, Sandra Kirby and Marion Lay, Feminist History Society, 2013, pp. 96-98.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Real(ity) TV Practices of surveillance: Evaluating mothers in Supernanny and Crash Test Mommy.” Mediating Moms: Mothering in Popular Culture, edited by Elizabeth Podnieks, McGill-Queen’s Press, 2012, pp. 86-109.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Empowering First-Time Mothers: The Feminist Coping with Change Maternal Health Promotion Program.” The 21st Century Motherhood Movement: Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It, edited by Andrea O’Reilly, Demeter Press, 2011, pp. 336-345. 

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Maternal Pedagogies Inside and Outside the Classroom” Maternal Pedagogies: In and Outside the Classroom, edited by Deborah Byrd and Fiona Joy Green, Demeter Press, 2011, pp. 197-211.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Motherline: Embodied knowledge/s of feminist mothering.” Feminist Mothering, edited by Andrea O'Reilly, SUNY Press, 2008, pp. 161-176.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Mothers: Successfully negotiating the tension between motherhood as ‘institution’ and ‘experience’.” Mother Outlaws: Theories and Practices of Empowered Mothering, edited by Andrea O’Reilly, Women’s Press, 2004, pp. 31-42.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Mothers: Successfully negotiating the tension between motherhood as ‘institution’ and ‘experience’.” Motherhood to Mothering: The Legacy of Adrienne Rich's ‘Of Woman Born’, edited by Andrea O’Reilly, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2004, pp. 125-136.

Journal Articles:

Green, Fiona Joy. “Practicing Matricentric Feminist Mothering.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, vol. 10, no.1&2, 2019, pp. 83-99.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Empowering Mothers and Daughters through Matroreform and Feminist Motherlines.Journal of the Motherhood Initiative Research and Community Involvement, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018, pp. 9-20.

McLeod Rogers, Jaqueline and Fiona Joy Green. “Mommy Blogging and Deliberative Dialogical Ethics: Being in the Ethical Moment.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative Research and Community Involvement, vol. 6, no. 1, 2015, pp.  31-49.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Coping with Change: Integrating feminist praxis with maternal health promotion and education.” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering, Maternal Health and Well-BeingVol 11, no. 1, 2009, pp. 11-25.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Matroreform: Feminist Mothers and Their Daughters Creating Feminist Motherlines.” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering, vol. 10 no. 2, 2008, pp. 11-21.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Supernanny: Disciplining Mothers through a Narrative of Domesticity.” Storytelling: A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative, vol. 6, no. 2, 2007, pp. 99-107.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Developing a Feminist Motherline: Reflections on a decade of feminist parenting.” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering, vol. 8, no. 1 & 2, 2006, pp. 7-20. 

Green, Fiona Joy. “From Clitoridectomies to ‘designer vaginas’: The medical construction of heteronormative female bodies and sexuality through female genital cutting.” Sexualities, Evolution and Gender, vol. 7, no. 2, 2005, pp.153-187. 

Green, Fiona Joy. “Feminist Mothering: Challenging Gender Inequality by Resisting the Institution of Motherhood and Raising Children to be Critical Agents of Social Change”. Socialist Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2005, pp. 83-99.

Green, Fiona Joy. “What's Love Got To Do With It?: A personal reflection on the role of maternal love in feminist teaching.” Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering, vol. 5, no. 2, 2003, pp. 47-56.

Green, Fiona Joy. “Living Feminism Through Mothering.” Journal for the Association of Research on Mothering, vol. 1, no. 1,1999, pp. 99-104.


Green, Fiona Joy. “bath time,” Contemporary Verse 2, vol. 14, no. 4, 1992, p. 34.

Green, Fiona Joy.  “skin colour,” Contemporary Verse 2, vol. 14, no. 3, 1992, p. 61


Feminist Mothering with Dr. Fiona Joy Green. . Chelsea Robinson. May 1, 2024.

Dr. Fiona Green. The Future Of Capitalism. Feb 23, 2023.