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Model Language

CASL Model Language

1. Obtaining express consent using sign-up forms (online or hardcopy)

The easiest way to obtain express consent is at the time an individual signs up for a service, program or activity. To obtain express consent to send an individual commercial electronic messages (CEM), UWinnipeg must first inform the individual of:

  • The purpose, or purposes, for which consent is sought
  • That the individual can withdraw their consent at any time
  • The business name of the department/faculty/centre/institute
  • The mailing address of the department/faculty/centre/institute, together with one of
    • A telephone number or
    • An email address or web address

The individual must then perform one of the following actions:

  • Supply their contact information immediately after the above information
  • Check a box on a form (the box must not be pre-checked)
  • Click a button or link on an online form
  • Send an email to an opt-in email account

*If this is the first time that the individual has supplied their contact information to the department/faculty/centre/institute, also requires that UWinnipeg provide the individual with a notice of collection statement.*


a) Keep up to date with the latest news and information from [department/faculty/centre/institute] by signing up for our newsletter. Just fill in your name and email address below. You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe at any time. If you have any questions, please contact us at [mailing address and one of telephone/email/web address].

Name __________  Email address __________

Your personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is collected for the purpose of [providing you with news and information from department/faculty/centre/institute]. If you have any questions please contact us at the above address or contact privacy@uwinnipeg.ca or call 204.988.7538.

b) Yes, I want to receive the latest news and information from [department/faculty/centre/institute].

[ ] [click/check this box] SUBMIT

You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe at any time. For more information contact us at [mailing address and one of telephone/email/web address]. Your personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is collected for the purpose of [providing you with news and information from department/faculty/centre/institute]. If you have any questions please contact us at the above address or contact privacy@uwinnipeg.ca or call 204.988.7538.

2. Obtaining express consent from individuals who have already supplied implied consent

If an individual has already supplied implied consent arising from an , UWinnipeg may use electronic means to obtain express consent. The required CASL language is the same as above. However, the FIPPA language is not required if the individual has already been provided with a notice of collection statement.

3. Supplying unsubscribe mechanism and required content in subsequent messages

If UWinnipeg has obtained an individual's implied or express consent to receive CEMs, messages sent to that individual must still identify the department/faculty/centre/institute sending the message, provide that business unit's contact information and provide a readily-accessible unsubscribe mechanism.


a) We hope you are enjoying the latest news and information from [department/faculty/centre/institute]. You may unsubscribe from further emails by replying to this email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. If you have any questions please contact us at [mailing address and one of telephone/email/web address].

b) You are receiving the latest newsletter from [department/faculty/centre/institute] because you provided your email address on our sign-up form. You may unsubscribe from further newsletters by clicking this link. If you have any questions please visit our contact us page.