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Anne-Laurence Caudano

Anne-Laurence Caudano Title: Associate Dean of Arts - Professor
Phone: 204.786.9883
Office: Dean of Arts office
Building: Ashdown
Email: a.caudano@uwinnipeg.ca

Teaching Areas:
Medieval History; Byzantium and Eastern Slavic culture; medieval sciences


HIST-1014 (3) Europe and the Mediterranean to 1700
HIST-2211(3) Europe between c. 300 and 1350
HIST-2212(3) Europe between the Medieval and Modern Periods (1350-1650)
HIST-2215(3) History of the Byzantine Empire
HIST-4218(6) Topics in Medieval Culture
HIST-7203(6) Topics in Medieval Culture (Graduate) 


Selected Publications


“Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven”: Cosmological depictions in Early Rus, Palaeoslavica 14. Supplementum 2 (Cambridge Mass.: Palaeoslavica, 2006)


“Cosmos, Calendars and Medical Advice in the Miscellanies of the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra and their Late Byzantine Counterparts (14th-early 16th centuries)”, in Texts and Contexts in Medieval Rus’ and Early Modern Russia. Festschrift in Honour of Simon Franklin for his 70th birthday, edited by S. Torres Prieto and A. Franklin (Routledge: March 2023). pp. 28-48.

 “A World of Embedded Spheres: Circular Planetary Diagrams in Late Byzantine Manuscripts”, in The Diagram as Paradigm: Cross-Cultural Approaches, edited by J. Hamburger, D. Roxburgh, and L. Safran (Harvard University Press: 2022), pp. 199-226.

 “Astrological Practices in the Handbooks of the Komnenoi Period: Between Tradition and Innovations”, in Michael Grünbart (ed.), Unterstützung bei hersscherlichem Entscheiden. Experten und ihr Wissen in transkultureller und komparativer Perspektive (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021), pp. 40-55.

“Astronomy and Astrology”, in A Companion to Byzantine Sciences, edited by S. Lazaris (Leiden, Brill: 2019), pp. 202-230.

“Cosmography, Asceticism, and Female Patronage in Late Byzantine and Slavic Miscellanies”, Almagest 8.2 (2017): 28-47

“ ‘These are the Only Four Seas:’ The World Map of Bologna, University Library, Codex 3632”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 70 (2016): 167-190

“Cosmologies et cosmographies variées dans les manuscrits byzantins tardifs”, Byzantion 85 (2015): 1–25

“Eustratios of Nicaea on Thunder and Lightning”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105/2 (2012): 611-634

“An Astrological Handbook from the Reign of Manuel I Komnenos”, Almagest 3/2 (2012): 46-65

“'Le ciel a la forme d'un cube ou a été dressé comme une peau': Pierre le Philosophe ou l'orthodoxie du savoir astronomique sous Manuel Ier Comnène”, Byzantion. Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 81 (2011): 19-73

“Un univers sphérique ou voûté ? Survivance de la cosmologie antiochienne à Byzance (XIe et XIIe s.)”, Byzantion. Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 78 (2008): 66-86.

“Pamvo Berynda’s Poems on the Nativity of Christ. Between Western Education and Byzantine Hymnography”, Canadian Slavonic Papers 49 (2007): 9-26

"Cycles des astres et calendriers dans la Rus médiévale du onzième au treizième siècles," Slavica Gandensia 31 (2004), 23-45.

" Following the Star of Bethlehem. Portrayals of the Magi as Astrologers in Kievan Rus," Byzantinoslavica 62 (2004), 161-172.

" Le calcul de l’éclipse de soleil du 15 avril 1409 à Constantinople par Jean Chortasmenos," Byzantion 73 (2003), 211-245.