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Dr. Christopher Wiebe

Christopher Wiebe Title: Professor
Phone: 204.786.9487
Office: 2RC021 - Lab: 2RC099, 3RC018
Building: Richardson College for the Environment and Science Complex
Email: ch.wiebe@uwinnipeg.ca


NSERC  Post-doctoral Fellow (Columbia University, 2002-2004)
Ph.D.  McMaster University, 2002
M.Sc.  McMaster University, 1998
B.Sc.  University of Winnipeg, 1996



Dr. Chris Wiebe is a Professor in Chemistry. A former student of 海角社区 (B. Sc. 1996), he returned to his hometown in 2009 after a previous appointment as a faculty member at Florida State University and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida (2005-2009).

He completed his B.Sc. at 海角社区, and his MSc and PhD at McMaster University. He was the recipient of an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Columbia University before returning Canada briefly to teach at Brock University.

His first tenure track position was at the Florida State University in 2005, with a joint appointment at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. He returned to Canada in 2009 to become the Canada Research Chair in Quantum Materials Discovery at UWinnipeg and an adjunct professor at The University of Manitoba.

Dr. Wiebe was also a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research – Quantum Materials Division from 2015 to 2019.  He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) in 2019.

His research focus is the synthesis and characterization of new highly correlated electron systems, with neutron scattering being one of his primary probes of condensed matter.

He has served in the past as President of the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering, Chair of the National Magnetic Field Library User Committee, and a member-at-large of the Neutron Scattering Society of America board.

With over 130 research publications, he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, and has won accolades such as the PAI Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research.


Teaching Areas:

Introductory Chemistry
Physical and Materials Chemistry courses at the second, third, and fourth year levels



CHEM 1111/3 Introduction to Chemical Properties
CHEM 1112/3 Basic Chemical Reactivity
CHEM 2102/3 Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHEM 2103/3 Atoms, Molecules and Spectroscopy
CHEM 3104/3 Chemical Physics and Condensed Matter
CHEM 4703/3 The Chemistry and Physics of Condensed Matter


Research Interests:

Dr. Wiebe’s research focuses on the search for new magnetic materials, and their characterization with a variety of techniques including x-ray and neutron scattering. While some of these studies are targeted towards answering fundamental questions in magnetism, many of the materials studied have practical applications linked to new technologies related to sustainability, such as new energy storage devices, memory storage materials, and more efficient power lines. At Florida State University, Dr. Wiebe was the leader of the Quantum Materials group and Director of the Crystal Growth program. Upon returning to Canada, he continued his research efforts and quickly built a materials science program with collaborations locally and abroad. Last year, Dr. Wiebe received $1 million in Canada Foundation for Innovation funding to launch PRIME at 海角社区 (The Prairie Research Institute for Materials and Energy). This new institute will boast some of the best equipment used for the synthesis and understanding of materials, including a floating zone image furnace (one of only several in Canada) for single crystal growth, and a low temperature magnet which can reach nearly absolute zero. PRIME will be a cutting-edge research facility located in the Richardson Science Complex for the Environment that will distinguish the University of Winnipeg as having some of the best materials characterization equipment in Canada.

Another aspect of Dr. Wiebe’s research includes the use of x-ray and neutron beams for materials characterization. Canada has a long and proud tradition of excellence in this field, with a powerful neutron source at Chalk River, and a new x-ray source at Saskatoon (the Canadian Light Source). Neutrons and x-rays are exquisite probes of matter, enabling scientists to visualize where atoms are and how they move in space. These probes are essential for chemists to be able to understand how molecular structures are related to the properties of matter, and how to design new materials such as high temperature superconductors and new rechargeable batteries. Dr. Wiebe is heavily involved in the promotion of scattering as a technique for scientists in a broad range of fields (chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering) to understand their world around them, and is involved in the development of neutron science in Canada and abroad.



Awards and Fellowships:

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019
The Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)

Leverhulme Visiting Professor, 2019
University of Edinburgh

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Quantum Materials Discovery (Renewed), 2017
University of Winnipeg

Fellow of CIFAR, Quantum Materials Division, 2015-2019
University of Winnipeg

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Quantum Materials Discovery, 2012
University of Winnipeg

PAI award for Excellence in Teaching and Research, 2009
Florida State University

John Charles Polanyi Prize in Physics, 2005
Received from the Government of Ontario, Canada, and declined due to change of employment from Brock (Canada) to FSU (US)             

NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2002-2004
Jointly held at McMaster & Columbia Universities

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2002
Received from the University of Alberta (Dept. of Chemistry), declined due to acceptance of NSERC PDF

OGSST (Bank of Montreal Scholarship), 2001-2002

Dawes Memorial Fellowship in Experimental Physics, 2000-2001
Department of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University

OGSST (R. Pierce Scholarship in Science & Technology), 2000-2001

NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship B, 1998-2000

NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship A, 1996-1998

Canada Scholarship, 1992-1996

Academic Proficiency Scholarships, 1993, 1994, 1995

D. C. Hogg Scholarship in Physics, 1995

B. G. Hogg Scholarship in Physics, 1995

Chemistry Faculty Scholarships, 1993, 1994, 1995

Hewlett Packard Calculator Award, 1993

Special Entrance Scholarship, 1992



Recent Publications (Over 130 total)

J. A. Lussier, B. Richtik, C. Mauws, J. W. Lynn, and C. R. Wiebe (2020)   Exploring the Magnetic Properties of the New Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate Ca3Cu2GeV2O12, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32, 134001

M. Dragomir, P. Dube, I. Arčon, C. Boyer, M. Rutherford, C. R. Wiebe, G. King, H. Dabkowska, and J. E. Greedan (2019)  Comparing Magnetism in Isostructural Oxides A0.8La1.2MnO4.1: Anisotropic Spin Glass (A = Ba) Versus Long Range Order (A = Sr), Chemistry of Materials, 31, 7833-7844.

H. D. Zhou and C. R. Wiebe (2019)   High pressure routes to new pyrochlores and novel magnetism.  Inorganics, 7, 49.

A. M. Hallas, A. Z. Sharma, C. Mauws, Q. Chen, H. D. Zhou, C. Ding, Z. Gong, M. Tachibana, P. M. Sarte, J. P. Attfield, G. M. Luke, and C. R. Wiebe (2019)  Coexistence of metallic and nonmetallic properties in the pyrochlore Lu2Rh2O7.  npj Quantum Materials, 4, 9.

S. K. Takahashi, A. Arsenault, C. Mauws, A. M. Hallas, K. Ross, C. R. Wiebe, M. Tachibana, G. M. Luke, and T. Imai (2018) Low frequency spin dynamics in XY quantum spin ice Yb2Pt2O7. Physical Review B, 98, 104425
R. Taylor, N. Bonanno, M. Cibian, J. Yadav, H. J. Silverstein, C. R. Wiebe, C. Mauws, A. J. Lough, and M. T. Lemaire (2018) Homoleptic lanthanide complexes containing a redo-active ligand and the investigation of their electronic and photophysical properties. Inorganics, 6, 56.

H. D. Zhou, B. Conner, L. Balicas, C. R. Wiebe, P. M. Sarte, X. Chen, T. Wu, G. Wu, R. H. Liu, H. Chen, and D. F. Fang (2018) Negative thermal expansion in the superconducting precursor phase SmFeAsO. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 095601. 

H. J. Silverstein, R. Sinclair, A. Sharma, Y. Qiu, I. Heinmaa, A. Leitmäe, C. R. Wiebe, R. Stern and H. D. Zhou (2018) Naturally tuned quantum critical point in the S = 1 kagomé YCa3(VO)3(BO3)4. Physical Review Materials, 2, 044006.

C. Mauws, A. M. Hallas, G. Sala, A. A. Aczel, P. M. Sarte, J. Gaudet, D. Ziat, J. A. Quilliam, J. A. Lussier, M. Bieringer, H. D, Zhou, A. Wildes, M. B. Stone, D. Abernathy, G. M. Luke, B. D. Gaulin and C. R. Wiebe (2018) Dipolar-octupolar Ising antiferromagnetism in Sm2Ti2O7: A moment fragmentation candidate. Physical Review B, 98, 100401(R). 

P. M. Sarte, A. A. Aczel, G. Ehlers, C. Stock, B. D. Gaulin, C. Mauws, M. B. Stone, S. Calder, S. E. Nagler, J. W. Hollett, J. S. Gardner, J. P. Attfield, and C. R. Wiebe (2017) Confinement of Magnetic Monopoles in Quantum Spin Ice. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 45LT01. 

A. M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, N. P. Butch, G. Xu, M. Tachibana, C. R. Wiebe, G. M. Luke, and B. D. Gaulin (2017) Phase competition in the Palmer-Chalker XY Pyrochlore Er2Pt2O7. Physical Review Letters, 119, 197201.

C. A. Marjerrison, A. Z. Sharma, C. R. Wiebe, S. Derakshan, C. Boyer, B. D. Gaulin and J. E. Greedan (2016)   Structure and magnetic properties of KRuO4.  Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 24, 12897-12903.

A. M. Hallas, A. Z. Sharma, Y. Cai, T. Munsie, M. N. Wilson, M. Tachibana, C. R. Wiebe and G. M. Luke (2016)  Relief of Frustration in the Heisenberg Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Gd2Pt2O7.   Phys. Rev. B, 94, 13, 134417.

C. A. Marjerrison, C. M. Thompson, A. Z. Sharma, A. M. Hallas, M. N. Wilson, C. R. Wiebe, G. M. Luke, and J. E. Greedan (2016)   Magnetic ground states in the three Os5+ (5d2) double perovskites Ba2MOsO6 (M = Mg, Zn and Cd) from Néel order to its suppression.   Phys. Rev. B., 94, 13, 134429.

J. A. Lussier, K. M. Szkop, A. Z. Sharma, C. R. Wiebe, and M. Bieringer (2016)  Order/Disorder and in Situ Oxide Defect Control in the Bixbyite Phase YPrO3+d (0 < d < 0.5).  Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 2381-2389.

A. M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, N. P. Butch, M. Tachibana, R. S, Freitas, G. M. Luke, C. R. Wiebe, and B. D. Gaulin (2016).  Universal dynamic magnetism in Yb pyrochlores with disparate ground states.  Phys. Rev. B, 93, 10, 100403

A.Z. Sharma, H.J. Silverstein, A.M. Hallas, G.M. Luke, C.R. Wiebe (2016) Structure and magnetic properties of new Be-substituted langasites A3Ga3Ge2BeO14 (A=Pr, Nd, Sm). Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 223, 14-22.

A. M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, M. N. Wilson, T. J. Munsie, A. A. Aczel, M. B. Stone, R. S. Freitas, A. M. Arevalo-Lopez, J. P. Attfield, M. Tachibana, C. R. Wiebe, G. M. Luke, and B. D. Gaulin (2016).  XY antiferromagnetic ground state in the effective S=1/2 pyrochlore Yb2Ge2O7.  Phys. Rev. B., 93, 104405.
H. J. Silverstein, E. Skoropata, P. M. Sarte, C. Mauws, A. A. Aczel, E.-S. Choi, J. van Lierop, C. R. Wiebe, and H. D. Zhou (2016)  Incommensurate crystal supercell and polarization flop observed in the magnetoelectric ilmenite MnTiO3.  Phys. Rev. B, 93, 054416.
C. M. Thompson, C. A. Marjerrison, A. Z. Sharma, C. R. Wiebe, D. D. Maharaj, G. Sala, R. Flacau, A. M. Hallas, Y. Cai, B. D. Gaulin, G. M. Luke, and J. E. Greedan (2016)  Frustrated magnetism in the double perovskite La2LiOsO6:  A comparison with La2LiRuO6.  Phys. Rev. B, 93, 014431.

D. Zhu, A. Z. Sharma, C. R. Wiebe, and P. H. M. Budzelaar (2015)  Rhodium (II) dimers without metal-metal bonds.  Dalton Trans., 44, 13460.
A.K. Iyer, B. W. Rudyk , X. Lin, H. Singh, A. Z. Sharma, C. R. Wiebe, A. Mar (2015) Noncentrosymmetric rare-earth copper gallium chalcogenides RE3CuGaCh7 (RE = La–Nd; Ch = S, Se): An unexpected combination.  Journal of Solid State Chemistry 229, 150–159.